Public Service Announcement (PSAs) Practice in Nepali Television Channels

PSAs pratice in Nepali Television channels

by Sunita Nhemaphuki

Chapter: 1
1.1. Background
Television has become the most attractive medium for the advertisers from very beginning of Television history. Advertisers have to a great extent shifted their business from the national press to television where they can reach millions of viewers in any one commercial. In 1980s when television was the subject of discussion in Nepal, already the world television had attracted a 22 percent share of a total advertising media expenditure of 2.53 billion pound. (Dyer,1982). Television had been leading media than other media in the world in terms of audience attraction from very beginning. Though, Nepali broadcasting history had been leaded by the Radio Nepal which started in 1951. It had monopoly for 47 years in the area of radio broadcasting in Nepal. Nowadays, AM and FM are two type of radio broadcasting available in Nepal. Nepal had been known as a pioneer for the Community radio and till February, 2012 there are altogether 422 FM radio stations which are granted license by the Ministry of Information and Communication (MoIC), out of which 317 are broadcasting in a regular basis. Similarly there are altogether 37 television stations that has been granted license to broadcast (Press Release, 2012).
Nepali radio focuses on news, public affairs, drama and some are totally entertainment. Though radio is to reach to the audience as well as cheap, this study left the radio and gave high priority to the television because television is an emerging media and quite popular among the audience. In the other hand to catch every kind of audience television is the best medium because television let the audience listen and watch as well as mass coverage with low cost, view empathy, selectivity, large impact, creativity, impact, prestige and social dominance. The main cause of choosing television media is its main characteristic “audio and visual in same time” which is basic component for the advertisement effectively.
Television came to Nepal in a very small way as a project in 1984. It began its first transmission with hardly one minute of advertising in two- hour transmission (Shukla, 1998). Today numbers of television channels are increasing day by day and advertising Market too. Currently, the size of Nepali advertising market is around NRs 4 billion which is in increasing mode. According to Raj Kumar Bhattrai, President of Advertizing Agents Association of Nepal-AAAN 30% of total budget of Nepali advertising goes to television (Bhattrai, 2012). In Nepal, 86% urban audience, 66% sub urban audience can recall from television commercial. Nepali media advertisement, about 83% of the consumer had positive impact from television commercial. (Arayal, 2005). Television is one of the most popular and best medium among the Nepali society. So this study chooses the television as a media among available mass media. Without advertisement Television cannot run because it’s one of expensive medium in term of operational cost. Nepal, where the advertising industry doesn’t have long history and lack of proper policy easily can assume that what televisions are doing for the get more advertisement from advertisement market. In the other hand Nepalese advertisers are following what competitor product / service are doing or copy advertisement concept from India. Many of multinational product advertisement have only Nepali voiceover on the Indian advertisement. Nepalese advertisers had been dilemma about proper concept about advertisement and no clear about importance of advertisement.. .
The limited source of advertising and growing media creating an advertiser is key player and media are going behind to increase the advertising revenue. There is no doubt media will full of advertisement, if media have saleable program and cheap advertising price than other media. Media will give priority to the commercial advertisement from where they can get profit. In Nepal seems that social message carried advertisement in shadow by the advertiser and media house themselves. In that context Nepali media and advertiser both think, PSAs concept means announcement from government and still a responsibility of government in other hand advertisement means tool of buying motivation and tools of selling product. Though PSAs is one of wings of advertising industry and can established very influential tool for advertising. There is no debate when something touch the people heart
then people never forget and people ready to persuade or buy or use. It is ultimate goal of the advertiser. Here on this study my concern will be how many advertising message addressing Public welfare and what is the practice of PSAs. How it incorporate in Nepali Media law and Media house policy? The mass media are presumed not only to have certain objective effect on society but also to serve a social purpose.
1.2. Reason for choosing the topic and area as Nepal
The general objective of all advertising is to inform, influence and remind people about the specific product which will create the attention, interest, desire and finally derived to the action which called AIDA model in the advertisement sector. Likewise other advertisement, public service advertising also inform, influence and remind people but content and objective of advertisement are changed which guided public aware philosophy. The objective of the Commercial advertisement is sell the product and objective of social advertisement is aware the public. As myself having worked in the advertisement field before enrolling in this course, I realized 70- 80 percent people’s buying decision is guided by the advertisement. I always imagine the spirit of the professional, advertise, associations and other related forums make special effort to identify topic and problem area needing a public attention. If the PSAs obtain equal space and effort with full cooperation as a commercial advertisement in the name of social responsibility and part of profession or bound by law, how well public can be aware about social issue. This is the main reason for choosing this topic.
Next reason for choosing this topic is, PSAs had been common practices, especially government department and public sector organization use express publicity. Government funded advertising may be a crucial source of revenue in countries with a poorly developed commercial advertising market. Nepal government produce the PSAs distribute but seem lack of research. The funds are allocated in assumption than any feasibility study. When PSAs message observe seems produce/ developed without defining a target area and the media house are chosen on bias. Voices raised against the government unfair and unpractical especially media selection process for the PSAs fund; only the media houses who have political power and reach will get government PSAs. The selection of media and distribution
of message is determined by the amount of bribe. I want to study how law has been incorporating the government PSAs and find fact of above raised question. In the developing countries, there is greater need for using the attention of the public on matter of social concern (Manendra, 1989). Personal communication is not possible to address the mass. Especially country like Nepal where many people are below the poverty line and education level is low, audio and visual medium best medium to aware them. Till today people from Nepal face problem like centralized information, facility from government are urban oriented that’s reason urban and rural people lifestyles have vast difference and many more. There are many situations when resources are available and communication is major bottleneck in reaching the target group. Social message by available media can be best way to make people understand and help to come out from above problem because information is power. Nepal is with majority underprivileged community, geographically inflexibility and most of places waiting for development. Nepal has been bitter experience of communicable disease which killed many people of remote area, due to lack of daily hand washing habits they suffer from such disease. If government or any socially responsible sector or media or anybody could have delivered message “wash your hand before meal” for the awareness of remote area people; nobody would have to lose their valuable life due to simple communicable disease or can decrease such a disease. Here is only motivation for behavior change; it is in the interest of their life. If media broadcasts such message frequently or media are forced by law to do it for public welfare, people would definitely implement it slowly which can bring change in their life. Nepalese have witnessed advertisement worth of millions of rupees placed by the government, non- profit organizations and some time corporate houses in the name of public information. Till today all sector are silent and ignoring PSAs as they can supposing not any direct benefit doing the PSAs. My study will show the real picture of PSAs in Nepali television channel practice and policy for regulating which incorporate by law. I believe it will help to raise the question for media responsibility towards public, government policy analysis, evaluating a regulatory body role in Nepali PSAs as well as explore new tool in advertisement for private sector involvement.
So, finally I came to decision to study about practices of PSAs in Nepali television before advocacy role of PSAs for Nepali social reform, in the same time I strongly believe that observing the practice is a starting point of discussion. Even there is no any pervious study found, I decided to choose the PSAs practice incorporate by law as my thesis topic to give a moral pressure to all sector who are doing business targeting the public but careless about public interest and welfare. I am focusing in regulation of PSAs, which Nepal government has introduced recently and even has started funding social welfare advertisement from this year. When I went through the media development indicator of UNESCO and Nepal Government Public Service Announcement Act 2066 for broadcasting media; I was assured that the study of this area is one of the strong part in communication arena as well as public welfare.
1.3. Advertising and PSAs
The term ‘advertising’ has derived from the Latin word ‘advert ere’ which means ‘to turn around’. In the simplest sense the word ‘advertising’ means ‘drawing attention to something’ or notifying or informing somebody of something (Dyer, 1982). Advertising is paid, non- personal communication which reinforces the people, attract, and help to create desire with identified sponsor. It has become a major social and economic force. Advertising includes those activities by which visual or oral message are address to the public for the purpose of informing them and influence them either by good or services or to act or be inclined favorably towards ideas, institutions, or persons featured. Philip Kotler has defined advertising in the way, “Advertising is any form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor” (Kotler, 1997). Advertising is a message designed to promote a product service or an idea which is cheapest and fastest way to inform large number of people. There are two types of advertisement on the basis of sponsor in the Nepali media which are social advertisement and commercial advertisement.
– Advertisements, which have social message or message for the behavioral change is called the social advertisement or public service announcement.
– Commercial advertisements always address profit and selling the product / services and main source are corporate houses and industrial sector.
(Long Term Advertising Policy 2059, 2059 B.S)
A PSAs or public service ad is a type of one featured on television, radio, print or other media, whereas the objective of a standard advertisement is to market a product, PSAs is intended to benefit the public interest, by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes, and potentially stimulating action. PSAs mean those all advertising message which inform, educate, and motivate the public about non-commercial issues, such as family planning, AIDS and other health issues, political ideology, environmental concern, human rights, charitable activities, fund raising and more public concern in the mass media by the means of payment or free of charge (Public Service Announcement,2011 ). PSAs are often used for public awareness, social welfare, or to help to promote the ideas and agendas of non-profit organizations. According to long term advertisement policy 2059 definition; any advertisements to be made not from business motive but from social welfare viewpoint such as agriculture, health, education, public interest, information about good wishes and condolences are the PSAs (Long Term Policy of Information and Communication 2059, 2059 B.S). The general objective of all advertising is to inform, persuade, or remind people about the specific product being advertised. Likewise the the general object of public service advertising is to inform, persuade, or remind people about the particular idea, cause or philosophy being advertise. The difference lies in the specific objective being sought. Advertising has to be responsive to the social context in which it operates. The combination of knowledge and profession in advertisement has scope for application beyond commercial activity (Mohan,1989).
Some countries are leading the world, some are following, some are in conflict and some are trying to overcome from conflict. All above category country one thing has similar i.e. PSAs is one responsibility of the government but depend how the government manages for sufficient number of PSAs. In “Advertisement Management‟ Mahendra Mohan described PSAs mean such advertisement which may be undertaken by public bodies such as Municipal Corporations. It may also be undertaken by business concern in the public interest. He further said that as the name of company will normally appear in the advertisement, some pay off
from such advertising, to the company goodwill, may be there. However, when the primary purpose of such advertisement is to promote a social cause, it may be considered non- commercial. He end up with while there can be no categorical classification; it is the basic motive which matter. From above definition study can be done the PSAs practice and television are promoting the social cause and motivating the public (Mohan, 1989). In the book “Contemporary Advertising” Courtland L Bovee & Williams F Areans different PSAs with commercial, the general objective of all advertising is to inform, persuade, or remind people about the specific product being advertised. Likewise public service advertising the general object is to inform, persuade, or remind people about the particular idea, cause or philosophy being advertise. The difference lies in the specific objective being sought, he further says whereas commercial advertiser may want to stimulate brand loyalty, and PSAs objective might be to popularize a social cause. He conclude with example, if the specific commercial objective for new shampoo is to change people’s buying habits, the related PSAs objective for an energy conservation program might be to change people’s activity habit, such as turning off the lights (Bovee L. C & Arens W. F, 1986).
1.4. PSAs practice by Government of Nepal
According to report for Equal Advertising Policy – Suggestion Workforce Report 2065, Nepal government is main source of PSAs in Nepali media industry. Government PSAs are distributed in newspaper on the basis of classification under the press council and on the basis of application in the broadcasting media in Nepal. PSAs carried 10% to 15% budget of total government advertisement, left budget are carried by the public commercial advertisement like Tender Notice, Vacancy etc. (Samanupatik Bigyapan Niti- Sujhab Karyadal Pratibaydan- 2065)
Government started advertisement in the newspaper for publishing government notice, quotation, tender and many government activities before 2007 B.S. It was more systematic after 2007 B.S. In that time before 2007B.S law was imposed that public notice must be published in Gorkhapatra which is state owned newspaper. In Nepal, PSAs practice started from 2016 B.S, when the very first democratic government was established and realized that without press, Democracy cannot sustain longer. For enhancement of press,
government sometime gave cash to media, sometime subsidy in buying papers. (Koirala, 2012). But in 2017 B.S. democracy was toppled by King Mahendra1, who took power and started Panchayat System2 and stopped all the aid provided to the media sector. Survival of any media was impossible without blindly supporting the king and his regime. Free press and independent media became impossible in Nepal during his regime. In the mean time political awareness slowly aroused among Nepalese people and they realized they needed democracy as a result of it some of political activities started against the monarchy. Monarchy started to suppress the political activities against the regime, but people activities started to grow more and more against the ruling system. As the political movement grew more, in 2036 B.S King Birendra son of King Mahendra announced “Janmat Sangraha”3. Government made out the result in the favor of party less monarchy but declared some package in the name of good governance. In the same time, Nepal government again started direct donation to the media which was limited to newspaper only. Nepal got multi party democracy in 1990 (2046 B.S.) after 30 year long Panchayat system. In the constitution, there was assurance of freedom of press, freedom of expression and press was defined as the fourth organ of the state. As a result of it, Nepali media industry expanded dramatically. Radio, television, press media and other new media grew very fast. Government continued the system of donation and added some extra facility to media house in the name of “help for buying paper”. In 2057 B.S. the government changed the way of aid and started to give money to the media on the basis of press council classification in the name of public service announcement advertisement published. Minister of Information and Communication declared social welfare message which is called the public service announcement. Media published social welfare message which was approved by Nepal government on their media then they would get payment from the government. Till that days government PSAs were only in the print media.
1 King Mahendra was born 11 June 1920 and rule Nepal 13 March 1995 to 31 January 1972. 2 Declaring parliamentary democracy a failed, King Mahendra carried out the Royal coup 18 month later, in 1960 after dismissed the elected government and declared that a party-less system will govern the country which called the Panchyat. 3 Janmat Sangraha is voting about which one is better among the two, either party-less monarchy or multi party democracy.
Nepalese Royal Family Massacre4 made Nepalese loss their beloved King Birendra5 and his entire family as a result of it, King Gyanendra 6 became the new king. The new king was not in favor of the democracy, he tried to control every sector and advertising sector too. In the advertising sector brought the act “One door policy for advertisement” which means government advertisement for government media only. It suppose the control the private media through advertisement but so much effective. Nepali citizen did not accept the king regime for long. People started movements against the king, and as a result of it the 2006 Democracy Movement7 converted Nepal to Federal Republic of Nepal abolishing the monarchy system in Nepal. In that movement, Nepali media especially radio and television played an important role. After the revolution, many broadcasting media also raised voice for the government advertisement. As a result government launched the Public Service Announcement Act for the Broadcasting Media too. After this broadcasting act, Nepal government has provision for the government advertisement to all media. For the newspaper, press council classified all the newspaper in A, B, C and D category according to circulation and payment was made according to the classification. Radio will get PSAs as per watt and for television as per application by the television station. Government pays from five Regional development area information center. For the radio and television, ministry of information and communication pays directly. 1.5. Television in Nepal Television, the combination of sound and vision ensures the message great forces and impact. Television is an electronic gadget sitting in the living room, but it is not quite the same as a refrigerator or a washing machine. Television is a part of national culture and it is one of the essential elements of communication in society. Technological development is changing the role of television and television in turn is likely to change the behavioral of people and nature of communication (Kobayashi, 1999).
4 The Neplease Massacre occurred on 1 June 2001, at house in the ground of the Narayanhity Royal Palace. 5 King Birendra was born as eldest son of the king Mahendra and his wife Queen Indra Rajya Laxmi. 6 King Gyanendra is a brother of King Briendra and 2nd son of King Mahendra.
7 Democratic Movement is a name given to the political agitations against the direct and undemocratic rule of King Gyanendra of Nepal
History of television in Nepal is traced back to the Panchayat regime. It was a subject of debate in Parliament in 1980s. Nepal government finally allowed television in Nepal and it was taken as a feasibility study under the information and broadcasting ministry. Nepal television (NTV) had formal successful test broadcast in December 31, 1983 A.D. The first direct transmission was done from Shankar hotel. Nepal television started its program daily for half an hour from 2042 B.S push 14 after having its own studio (Ghimire, 2000). Nepal Television made a position as a sole state owned channel across Nepal till 2000 A.D. Nepal government brought some change in information act in 2001 A.D which helped to introduce private television channels. Channel Nepal started television station as a first private television focusing on the entertainment. Image Channel and Kantipur television (KTV) both came in same date which carried mixed package with news & entertainment program in 2003. Presently, 37 television channels have got license for broadcasting, including two government owned television channels. Among 37 televisions, 16 have national coverage on- air for 26.5 million people. (Ministry of Information and Communication, 2068B.S). Beside the NTV and KTV, other televisions have comparatively less paid PSAs. Some of the televisions have free PSAs which are produced by themselves voluntarily. Some of the televisions are producing public service broadcasting program though they are commercial television. They are addressing audience by giving news from various ethnic languages and covering the local news. Many television allocate half hour or one hour for the public service program but its hard to find 10 sec to 30 sec PSAs. Himalayan television one of television station from Nepal, started their branding with PSAs which is totally new practice for Nepali television channels. Most of other private television have paid PSAs practice but hard to find free PSAs production by media house. Most of televisions are news channels so their program are focused on the event oriented news, although they claim themselves as producing public service programs
1.6. Problem and challenge of PSAs in Nepali Television As we are talking here about the Nepali television channels, they are mainly profit oriented and advertisement is the main source of revenue. For advertisement they will rate their audience as commodity. They know that without Television rating point (TRP) it is hard to get advertisement and without advertisement they cannot sustain. So, in the name of increasing TRP they produce more audience catchy program. When they get more advertisement, they cross the limit of 40 percent advertisement space of their total on- air time though Nepali broadcasting policy does not allow more than 40 percent of advertisement space among the total on- air time. Most of the time Nepali televisions ignore public interest; they often provide the social welfare message as PSAs. They try to produce and present only those which is commercially valuable. PSAs, practice, the broadcast time and duration play the significant role. Much of the time government television is broadcasting PSAs as filler. Next thing prime time is so expensive; television can generate huge revenue during prime time so PSAs were aired during weaker time slots or on stations with less share of the advertising market. Television stations tend to use these announcements as fillers during commercial breaks (Suggett P. (n.d.)). Some channels make a decision to devote a certain number of ad slots to PSAs, particularly for a campaign that has local impact. Many countries media houses have a government mandate to serve the public interest; they are under no requirement to run general PSAs. In the early period, the PSAs space, materials were free but practice has somehow changed recently. Nowadays PSAs are sponsored by the public trust, government, civil service organization, private sector including media house themselves. The main motto of PSAs is to aware the public, social welfare and address the public concern issue but day by day media become commercial and PSAs gone to shadow. They are producing few PSAs who have a social message but done for achive the reach a commercial objective.
After the government, key player of PSAs are Non-government Organization which provides paid PSAs in Nepali Media. Here NGO PSAs are carrying their agenda rather than the aware the public. Private sector involvement in PSAs is countable but showing political
instability and security, they ran away from social responsibility. In the same time emerging private television channels begins the PSAs concept but cannot go long term and replace by the commercials advertisement. 1.7. Purpose of study The main purpose of this study find out how the Nepali media incorporated the PSAs through “what ought to and what are practice of PSAs ” on the Nepali television industry. In every democratic country, media are independent but they have obligation towards public and nation. In most of country, PSAs are taken as media social responsibility and defined in law as compulsory. No doubt there are various ways to serve the public, but in this study PSAs is given more emphasis because PSAs is short but it is best way to strike people mind and to encourage public to change their behavior, more concerned about the public issue. The search of social responsibility of Media in the form of social message in the television is the main purpose of this study. Media also have some responsibility towards the public; they have to be guided by the law too for the public interest. If television are focused on advertisement and interested in commercial and profit making only then question must be raised what is their responsibility towards society? 1.8. Research question The main research question answer will help me to reach my research objective. “How is Public Service Announcement practice incorporated into the regulation of Nepali Televisions?” is my study main research question. This study will be focused on answering the above main research question and in order to answer this question, several different components needs to be extracted through research. So again to make it simple, I would like to formulate few sub questions which would help me to find answer to the main research question. Sub questions:- Q.1.What is the number of PSAs broadcasted in the Nepali televisions in prime time?
Q.2.What is the government and media house policy for the PSAs in Nepal?
Q.3. How the government law incorporates PSAs in the Nepali media? Q.4.What is the difference between PSAs practice and policy in Nepali television? This study raised the question about practice of PSAs in Nepali Televisions. Government media broadcast PSAs as filler or the expenses incurred through government budget. Private television channel have only paid PSAs which is provided by either government or non-profit organizations. Non- profit organizations and private sectors sometime provide paid PSAs which depend upon the fund and their campaign. After the civil war (1996- 2006), and during the peace keeping process in Nepal, many of civil service organization started various kinds of PSAs in mass media and now private sectors are also interested in Nepali PSAs. Most of the private organization, professional associations and other are interested giving PSAs through media as show their present in the society. Here the main research questions ““How is Public Service Announcement incorporated into the regulation for Nepali Televisions?” is one of the best than other. 1.9. Limitation This study is limited to the television although it could have been done with print, other electronic media and other available media. Here is the Number of PSAs were counted on the basis of given schedule by television because of load shedding. Next limitation of this study is PSAs incorporate by law and deal as a social responsibility is the new phenomena in Nepal; took time to convince people about the PSAs.
Chapter 2 2.1. Literature Review Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has permit for the regulation of PSAs in the United State America (USA) since 1980s. PSAs are a non-commercial message directed toward the public and the community. PSAs are most common on television and radio due to the FCC’s requirement of stations to run a minimum amount of programming and information for the community. At the time, the only station can continuous their license renewals after the sufficient PSAs according the requirement of FCC. Stations simply indicated how many PSAs they aired during a “composite” week. The FCC thus asked stations (and everyone else) to respond to its Notice of Inquiry with information about the time given to and the timing of PSAs; the nature of the PSAs aired; the sources of PSAs aired; the criteria for selecting them; and how useful such announcements were in serving the public(PSA Bibliography). Craig L. LaMay Medill from School of Journalism Northwestern University studied Public Service Announcements, Broadcasters, and the Public Interest: Regulatory Background and the Digital Future. In his paper he concluded that as a matter of regulatory policy, then, one can imagine two possibilities for public service announcements in the digital future. One relies on the PIAC proposals meeting some success in the Notice of Proposed rule making such that PSAs are codified as a public service, with some minimum quantitative standards, as a useful adjunct to the committee’s proposed ascertainment and disclosure requirements. A second future scenario for PSAs is little different from the present: Broadcasters will have little incentive to air PSAs except as a matter of community goodwill, as filler for unsold advertising time, or, in the case of paid campaigns, as a source of revenue. (Medill, 2007)
Babu Ram Dhakal wrote article for one weekly newspaper about Nepali PSAs distribution and corruption because of lack of regulation. He further describes with one
example of very famous PSAs from Nepali broadcasting media “Dui Santan Eshwor Ko Bardan”(two children are gift of god). Since three decades Nepali media are broadcasting these PSAs, still there is no any study of its impact and its costing. Dr. Bishnu Prasad Padit, spokesperson of Health Ministry of Nepal, expressed in Babu Ram Dhakal’s article in 2004: Regarding the PSAs there is no any study how much the ministry expenses and how the media is selected. Because of lack of regulation, every year PSAs fund are misused and it has been established as strong income source for office staff and media. PSAs message are not effective because they are produced by unprofessional peoples under the influence of the related department, they are made long in order to increase on-air cost so that few peoples of the concerned department gets benefited. Dhakal further mentions that more than NRs.10 million budget is in health related message and it is further increasing but nobody knows the process of media selection and process of message production (Dhakal, 2004) .
Advertisement field itself is new for Nepal, till today Nepal government doesn’t have a separate body for the advertising industry. It is difficult to find academic study in advertising field. Ram krishna Ghimire on his study ” Advertising through television: Impact on consumer behavior” mentions some practices of PSAs during the RANA8 period of Nepal which is early period of mass communication in Nepal too. In the sub chapter of his titled “Development of advertising in Nepal” explains public announce went through the streets announcing the opening and closure of gambling period during the Laxmi Puja9 and other occasion. There used to be such announcements which were known as Jhali pitne10 perhaps the announcers came with an instrument of the same name and beat under the government regulation which is called HUKUM11 in local language (Ghimire, 2000) .
Bishwas Nepal, from College of Journalism and mass communication did his unpublished master thesis about the PSAs. He focuses his study in children used in the PSAs. According to his study PSAs of children’s issue have been receiving more additional and
8 The Rana dynasty of Rajputs ruled the Kingdom of Nepal from 1846 until 1953, reducing the Shah monarch to a figurehead and making Prime Minister and other government positions hereditary
9 Laxmi puja is performed during Tihar in Nepal and Diwali in India, the festival of lights 10 Jhali Pitne is a announcement for publc by the rurler to give notice. It was practice when there is not any media exist. 11 HUKUM is order from Higher Authority to the lower group.
coverage than before, however it hardly receives prime news time in the TV station having higher high viewership. He found that most of television in afternoon time which is Odd time for the children. (Nepal, 2012) The next study done by from same college about the celebrity endorsement in advertising where one study is done about celebrity endorsement in Nepali television commercial with four national television channel where 5% Nepali PSAs was signified among the total advertisement time. Babita Basnet leading Journalist from Nepal wrote in her article Nepal government have a policy for financial support to the media from 2016 B.S, Mansir in the name of “Help for buying paper” from the department of Publicity department of Nepal Government after classification of Newspaper, later press council formed and started to handle same job including magazine and literature (Basnet, 2011). It changed in 2057 B.S. and started giving financial support on the basis of press council classification after the PSAs advertisements were published in their Newspaper. It is the official starting of PSAs from government level but before it also there were many PSAs in media which were given by various government departments like Health, Water etc. Minister of information and communication declares some message as a social welfare message. “Public Service Announcement Act for the Broadcasting 2066” is starting point of PSAs for the Nepali Broadcasting Media. Nepal government PSAs media budget for the broadcasting media allocation is 66% for the FM & radio and 34% for the television of total budget by the government (Public Service Announcement Act for Broadcasting Media 2066). During fiscal year 2067/68, Nepali eight television channels got 162 minute duration PSAs from government including prime time (Public Service Announcement for Broadcasting Media, 2067). Nepal government provides the public service announcement advertisement on the basis of application, equally for all television (Ujwol, 2012). The classification and regularity responsibility is given to the press council and Postal Department which are departments of Ministry of Information and Communication. According to act, in the case of broadcasting local supervision will be done by the local government, post office, communication center and Nepal press council and cross checked by ministry supervision committee. It is starting step and latest development of Nepali television PSAs practice (Ministry of Information and Communication, Nepal Government, 2066).
2.1.1. Development of PSAs PSAs concepts come with need to mobilize the public to take action for the good of the community in the different place and time with different techniques. Mass media proves itself; it is the best vehicle among the other in the history for calling on public to act their best interest for their society. In the USA, shortly after congress declared war in 1917, American President Woodrow Wilsons used public information department to convince the public to support the war effort which is known as starting period of the PSAs in the world (PSA bibliography). William M. O’Barr wrote an article about the PSAs development in Advertising & Society Review where he mentions the definition of the PSAs. In his article he shows the all popular PSAs from very beginning and role of AD council for the PSAs in the USA. He defines history of PSAs starts from war advertising. In the World War II, PSAs start to educate the public a role in the war effort. This time the corporate house were sponsoring for such kind of PSAs for example “Reintegration of soldier into society” was sponsored by Ipana Tooth Paste. Commercial advertisement also start to give some little space for the war message as a PSAs “ A Plug with slug” approach in which an advertiser placed a war related in corner of regular message. Commercial were started to design related with war concept such as showing workers in wartime factories drinking Coca-Cola.(O’ Barr, M.W) Public service announcement urged “American to buy war saving stamp- save the thought less dollars”, The Red cross campaign for joining the organization- “Greatest Mother in the world”, Famous poster recruited men for the army and the kill every rat campaign that urged the extinction of grain vermin. PSAs were no means the only factors in uniting the public on the war effort, but they did help define appropriate roles and response for the American public in war time (PSA bibliography)
Campaigns against drug use, drunk driving, racial discrimination and child abuse came near to 1940s with the ending logo of Advertising Council (Ad Council). “Only one can prevent Forest Fire” 1944 A.D helped to decrease the forest fire in mark able way which is
still taken as the most effective PSAs in non war issue with targeted careless smoker and campers. After that PSAs area was expanded and non -profit organization also started to be involved. Keep America Beautiful, 1953 A.D and Ad council jointly produced in 1971A.D, PSAs slogan with “People Start Pollution. People can stop it”. It was named one of the top 100 advertising and won many award as well as successes inspired other environmental message and involvement of non profit organization in the PSAs. Another historical work in the PSAs field is “A mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste” which raised millions dollars. The fund used to pay tuition fee and provide scholarship at historical black colleges and universities. Advertising Age reported that by 1991, this slogan was recognized by 77 percent of American people. After this success, PSAs were used for the fund raising purpose all over the world too (PSA bibliography). In the USA, as the media – particularly broadcast and cable TV – became more influential and as various social problems grew in importance, public service advertising became a significant force in changing public attitudes on topics such as drinking and driving, crime abatement and various health/safety issues. While stations have never been mandated by the FCC to use a prescribed number of PSAs, they are required to prove they broadcast in the public interest and PSAs are one of the ways they meet that requirement as part of serving as a “public trustee.” Today PSA campaigns are created by hundreds of non-profit and government agencies and the National Association of Broadcasting have indicated that annually their member stations contribute an estimated $10 billion in free time for various public causes. Tens of millions more in free space is provided to PSA issues and causes donated by the print and out of home media. (Public Service Announcement) 2.1.2. PSAs practice in Various Countries The study done in this article about the practices of PSAs in different countries is included in PSAs bibliography
Most of countries have PSAs practice in their television as a part of either their media responsibility or following the government law. If we start to talk from the United States where PSA has started, they have organization named AD Council and Federal
Communication Commission (FCC). AD Council which is private non -profit organization supported by the business and advertising communication industry coordinates public service advertising. It selects the issue which need to be raised and causes which is required to be promoted. Advertising agencies offer their services for preparing campaigns. The book Contemporary Advertisement included one fact of American advertising. According that book every year the American Lungs Association places an estimated $ 10 million worth of advertising on television and other media. All the space and time are donated as a public service by the media involved. So we can conclude that in the USA most PSAs are paid but funded. It’s all regulated by the FCC. Australian televisions have PSAs with ending authorized by the Australian Government, Canberra or authorized by new South Wales Government, Sydney and most issue addressed by the public service announcement is domestic violence, drunken victim, AIDS, safe sex, a beautiful day for cancer which are funded PSAs and are funded by the government body. In Canada, many PSAs are sponsored by the government which focuses in workplace safety, terrible accident against drunk driving. National film board of Canada also used to give animated film stuff for public awareness. Sometime for tourism promotion they used to give PSAs with heading like “invite to explore open road”. Netherlands have public service announcements for anti smoking ads on Dutch TV. Sweden have PSAs of Swedish bus company- take the bus. Swedish ads for paying your TV license fees are bizarre to put it mildly. “Let you see yourself loved by the whole world for being a hero due to paying the TV fee” are the example of the available PSAs.
The United Kingdom have a number of government information advertisements like awareness against theft, threats, specifically those involving paying car taxes, only claiming the benefit money and making sure TV license payments are up to date. Transport for London, Metro Politian Police, South Work Council etc also funds PSAs. Health education board Scotland with the tagline “think about it” with problem addressing the drugs abuse in teenage. Beside it anti smoking, domestic abuse, road safety message are also given through
the advertisement. Beside all some NGO, private sector and BBC also provide many PSAs in the various social issues. In China, first PSAs occurred in 1987 and within a short span of time PSAs became very popular. Within 1996 to 1997, more than 70,000 PSAs were published or aired. The main areas of PSAs were promoting the revival of traditional Chinese culture, promoting an optimistic outlook on life and advocating environmental problem. All the PSAs were funded by the government. In India, associations of advertisers and advertising professional are prompting social welfare through PSAs. Central government and state government fund the PSAs in television. Health issue, agricultural industry promotion, government services, last date of tax payment, tourism related PSAs can be seen in the Indian media. In Bangladesh, government media have many PSAs about the human basic things. Many of INGO and NGO produce the PSAs and broadcast the paid PSAs. Some of Corporate house involved for the PSAs especially National significant Day. The Canadian Broadcasting system1960 were merely in the hands of private operator. The media market was center to continental rather than national. The broadcast was uncontrolled and we could not see Canada as a national entity. The broadcasting created its own public rather than the actual public which could not exist without the develop age of broadcasting. The broadcasting was market oriented rather than public which was pre-dominantly American. In this situation there was strong need of media policy which would address people as public not as member of audience. In order to restore the public, media regulation and policy were invented (Lowe & Hujanen, 2003).
Looking into the above Canadian broadcasting of 1960 and the necessarily to adopt media policy clearly defines that media rules and regulation if not in acted properly media can be misused and the public cannot be addressed properly with necessary information. Presently, Nepal has become like Canada in 1960, we need a good policy for the media industry. Public awareness and media social responsibility itself also must be there because
Nepal lies in between big economy country of the world China &India; both countries culture, politics, economy and any other things are influencing day by day and Nepalese entity can be in danger zone. Advertising policy should be strong because Nepal has free trade with both countries, for the promotion of their product advertisement also will come from both countries. I would like to conclude with the FCC definition for commercial and non-commercial stations, a PSA as an advertisement “for which no charge is made and which promotes programs, activities or services of Federal, State or local governments or the programs, activities or services of nonprofit organizations or any other announcements regarded as serving community interests.” But there is no guarantee for the space. Till today there is no any study about the PSAs practice in the television. This study can be milestone for Nepali PSAs study and can be useful for the whole world.
2.2. Theoretical framework 2.2.1. Social Responsibility Theory part of Normative Theory This study is under social responsibility theory which part of Normative Theory. Normative theory talks how a media system should operate in order to conform to or realize a set of ideal social values. In other words, what is real or knowable about the media system is real or knowable for the specific social system in which that system exists. It is called normative theory because it states certain norms and standards (criteria of what is good or bad) and apply these to the action of the media, and especially to define various expectation concerning the structure, conduct and performance of the media (McQuail, 2005). It is concerned with what the media ought to be doing in society rather than what they actually do. In general, the dominant ideas about the obligations of mass media will be consistent with other values and arrangements in a given society. Media are free but they should accept obligations to serve the public good. The means of ensuring compliance with these obligations can either be through professional self-regulation or public intervention (McQuails, 2005). 2.2.2. Social Responsibility Theory The starting concept of Social Responsibility from Henry Luce, CEO of time Inc., provided fund for an independent commission to make recommendation concerning the role of press which is later known as Hunchins commission. It was established in 1942 and released a major report of its finding in 1947. Its member consisted of leader from area of society, including academic, politicians, and heads of social groups and sharply divided between Libertarian views, press regulation and marketplace ideas. The aim of the commission was to examine area and circumstance under which the press is united state is succeeding or failing to discover where free expression is or is not limited.
The finding of report support for theorizing the Social Responsibility Theory and practice of accountability, although there is no real evidence that it actually improved press of
the time. The synthesis of idea put forward in the Hutchins commission report has become known as the Social Responsibility Theory of the press (Siebert, Peterson and Schramm, 1956). It emphasizes the need for an independent press that scrutinizes other social institutions and provides objective, accurate news reports. It said that media should do this by prioritizing cultural pluralism- by becoming the voice of all the people- not just elite group or group that had dominated national, regional, or local culture in the past. (Baran, S.T & Davis,D.K. 2012) Social responsibility should be reached by self-control, not government intervention. The commission further argued that social responsibility is not burden ” the press is not free if those who operate it behave as though their position conferred on them the privileged of being deaf to idea which is processes of free speech have brought to public attention”(Baran & Davis. 2012). Siebert et al. and Social Responsibility Theory 1956 subsequent interpretation of social responsibility locates under a positive liberty –’ freedom for ‘ rather than ‘ freedom from’. They further wrote: ‘ social responsibility theory holds that the government must not merely allow the freedom; it must actively promote it…when necessary, therefore, the government should act to protect the freedom of its citizens.’ (McQuail, 2005) William Hocking (1947), one of the member of the commission argue that the ‘theory of social responsibility’ involved a view of media ownership as a form of public trust or stewardship, rather than unlimited private franchise. He further added that it is right of the public that now take precedence. This is a one fundamental basis for the demand for responsibility (McQuail, 2005). Social responsibility theory deals some of terminology like: accountability, liability, responsibility, etc. Melisande Middleton wrote on his paper Social Responsibility in the Media define the term accountability, liability, responsibility. Accountability narrowly as being able to produce records, e.g. evidence to support what has been reported on. Liability signify being ethically or legally responsible for one’s actions. Responsibility is in this sense the obligation for proper custody, care and safekeeping of one’s audience.(Middleton 2009)
The distinction between accountability and responsibility can be held as such: “Whereas accountability often is referred to as the manifestation of claims to responsibility, the latter is the acknowledged obligation for action or behavior within frameworks of roles and morals” Picard (1985) introduced the term ‘democratic – socialist theory of the press’ to describe the European ‘ Social welfare’ model of mass media in this period. The public interest was interpreted as justifying various forms of intervention by the state in what had been a free market. The political will to enforce social responsibility against the claim of the market and the power of the established media is not strong enough (McQuail, 2005). Danis McQuil summarized the basic principle of Social Responsibility Theory and focus media should accept and fulfill certain obligations to society. The accepting and applying obligation, media should be self regulating within the framework of law and established institutions. Society and public have a right to expect high standards of performance and intervention can be justified to secure the, or a, public good. Social responsibility theory appealed to the idealism of individual media practitioners and tried to unite them in the service of cultural pluralism- even when this might reduce their profit or antagonize existing social elite. (Stanley J. Baran, Dennis K. Davis, 2012) The first major test of social responsibility theory occurred during the 1950s with the rise of anti- communist sentiments at the time of the Cold War. China and most of Eastern Europe was coming under communist control in a series of staged popular uprisings and cups. Joseph McCarthy led the vanguard opposing communism, presenting him as a crusader for democracy; he soon exhibited all the traits of the classic demagogue. His dramatic pronouncement provided idea material for big headline and popular front – page news stories. Newspaper and media give space without any criticism. After some time Edward R. Murrow with talking the initiative to produce a television news documentary that finally exposed McCarthy’s propaganda tactics to public security. How should media have reacted if they took social responsibility theory seriously? Should they have made a greater effort earlier to investigate the truth of McCarthy’s frequent and dramatic allegation. Because of social responsibility of media, united States save, if not it might have turned towards McCarthy’s brand of Fascism (Stanley J Baran & Dennis K Davis .(Pp-116-117), 2012) .
In this study, Social Responsibility Theory will address different part of analysis. As my major objective of this study to test the Nepali television channels practice PSAs as media
house social responsibility. Though this theory is based on the press and their freedom but slowly idea became change and subject become explore. Here I am relating this theory to media social responsibility to their audience. This theory said that media should do this by prioritizing cultural pluralism- by becoming the voice of all the people- not just elite group or group that had dominated national, regional, or local culture in the past. This study going to analysis that only media rating the audience, selling the product/ program/ services through the advertisement or they are contributing something to the society by giving some social message for the social welfare. Is media giving short social message to the minority, needy people or everyone without taking payment? Is they have some policy for such kind of thing or not and assurance mass media for everyone not only elite group. This theory mention that media do not have to take social responsibility as a burden but in practical seems to burden for the media house. Social responsibility should be self regulate but in the case of PSAs some seems given by the media house but no one policy mention about it. The theory will help to analyzed me the policy of government and media house regarding self regulation and regulation from the government level. Although concept of the social responsibility theory is not only the responsibility of media house, it is concerned with freedom also. Here this theory deals from the public prospective; for media public is the audience. This theory will help me to reach my research objective and incorporate the PSAs as media responsibility.
Chapter 3 3.1. Research Methodology Research helps to find the facts about why something has occurred or simply find the facts that one is unaware of and tries to overcome the dilemmas and answer the question that the researcher put forward in-order to put something new into the existing literature and show the world as it is or why something has occurred. In-order to dig out the truth or facts that one seeks to explore, certain systematic methods and sampling techniques needs to be followed that helps the researcher to get the information in a systematic way and adds the reliability and validity to the result of the research performed. Methods are the tool of data generation and analysis. Now, the above sub questions will be dealt one after the other to find its answers. After evaluating the answers to all sub questions, it will be easier to give answer to the main research question in order to answer the above sub questions which ultimately answer the main research question. Quantitative and qualitative both analysis methods are used in this study. Practice of PSAs in Nepali television, responsibility for public welfare message and regulation of such messages in Nepali Television is always the topic of my curiosity. The availability of research articles is very rare to find regarding PSAs, this is the reason why I have selected this approach for the research. I hope the findings may help to draw a path for other researcher too in the future. The study need to apply some more methods that would strengthen the credibility and reliability of my research work.
In the social science research, the presentation and analysis of data is an important portion of the total research process. In this study the data have been presented and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data have been presented and analyzed in four different steps. At first step quantitative method has been applied to find out the number of PSAs or space for the PSAs as a practice in Nepali television. In the second step, document analysis. Third step, interview with stakeholder has been done to find out the available policy
for PSAs in the context of Nepal. Final method is focus group discussion to find out difference between policy and practice of PSAs in the context of Nepal. Here researcher used Triangulation method because quantitative data are based on qualitative judgments and all qualitative data can be described and manipulated numerically. The research believes that both quantitative and qualitative techniques are important in any understanding any Phenomena. 3.1.1. Quantitative Method The quantitative approach involves the collection of numerical data in order to explain, predict and/ or control the phenomena of interest. Research used this method because the use of numeric data allows greater precision in reporting result and it permits the use of powerful statiscal tools thereby making result more credible. Here in this study, from the period of September to December 2011, prime time advertisement schedule of both television was taken from the television marketing department and PSAs were verified from the PSAs sources (various organization who produce and sponsor) and buying house. The primary data collected from the television channel has been analyzed using a Microsoft-Excel. 3.1.2. Qualitative Method Qualitative research refers to several methods of data collection, which include focus groups, field observation, in-depth interview and case study. Qualitative techniques can increase a researcher depth of understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. This is applicable when investigative done already and useful for my study because it is the new topic in the Neplese phenomena and has not investigative before. In my study to reach my study objective I used qualitative research including Document analysis, Interview and Focus Group Discussion. It is define below.
28 Document Analysis Document analysis lies under the qualitative analysis which could be letter, agenda, administrative document, newspaper article or any document that’s governed to the investigation for study. Here document analysis finds out the practice of PSAs policy in Nepal. By studying the government policy for PSAs and both television house policy especially on PSAs will help to find out the practice of PSAs. For that the study is going to analysis The National Broadcasting Act,2049 (1993), The National Broadcasting Regulation, 2052 (1995), Long term advertisement policy 2059, Public Service Announcement Act for Broadcasting Media -2066, Nepal television advertising policy for the PSAs, and Kantipur television advertising policy for the PSAs. Finding from Document analysis of available broadcasting related Act & policy issued from Nepal government, Nepal television advertising policy & Kantipur television advertising policy. Document analysis covers all the acts and policies by the Nepal government in the sector of the broadcasting media after 1990, which period is also known as the period of press freedom, media booming and open policy for private sector involvement. Media house policy analysis was performed as per availability upon visit both media houses. Interview Method The interview has been defined by Berger (2000:111) as a conversation between a researcher (someone who wishes to gain information about the subject) and an informant (someone presumably has information on the subject). After the document analysis, for the verification of the documents and the findings I took interview of persons of related authorities. Here I tried to find out the answer of some sub research question through in-depth interview with government body, Nepal television and Kantipur television. The interview was arranged face to face nearly for two hours in their own place after the counting the number of PSAs during prime time in the both televisions. Interview with government authority was conducted after the document analysis and interview with media house authority.
29 Focus Group Discussion (FDG)
Focus Group discussion is used to gather information concerning the research question and the information collected is qualitative in nature (Dominick &Wimmer, 1987). Through FDG here will find the difference between PSAs policies and PSAs practice. In the same time, what should be for regulation of PSAs practice in Nepali Televisions. The analysis of data and preparation of the report of FDG can be done in two ways: (a) a brief synopsis of what was said with an interpretation of the subject’s response. (b) the comments can be scanned and coded into categories for detailed analyzed interpretation (Observational research, In- depth Interview and focus group Dissucion, 2008). Here presented data are according to a brief synopsis of what was said with an interpretation of the subject’s response. FDG did all the findings to find out the difference between policy and practice within media and advertising business stakeholder including government representative in Kathmandu. This research, basically study of PSAs practice in Nepali television tries to reveal how the television station is practicing and Nepal government’s regulation provision for PSAs. The research question suggests and demands information and facts from various sources. As such this research tries to reveal the fact by collecting and analyzing information from the available legal documents, interviews, and focus group discussion with various people who are key player of media and advertising business. As this research is based on two television station, it is not difficult to generalize the result to other television station because study took government and private television for the balance. 3.2.2. Research Design
The present study has been conducted with an attempt to understand regulation and practice of PSAs in Nepali television channel. The research is mainly of qualitative tradition. Besides quantitative method has also been used here, so this study used Triangulation. The government owned Nepal Television and Private Kantipur Television have been chosen as a sample media respectively. Counting number of advertisement during prime time in both television and finding out the number of PSAs, finding out government and media houses
policy by document analysis, interviewing with authority to answer the question raised by counting the number and document analysis. Finally did a focus group discussion within stakeholder of Nepali media and advertisement sector to find out the different between practice and policy. The sample of media houses for cover the state run television and private sector television. The prime time is chosen according to most viewing time and much advertising traffic In the process of counting the number of advertisements in the prime time, stratify sampling was chosen and it ensured a balanced distribution across the month. The purpose of counting the number of advertisement was to find the practices of PSAs or space occupied by PSAs in both television channels. 3.3. Sample Sample is representation of the population. All the members of group where we collect the information of a member is called population. Sample is the representation of the population it is crucial that certain types of people in the population are not systematically excluded from sample (Saha, 2010). Stratify sample was choose for the data collection which is for easy and represent the all day from September to December study period of this research. According Dominick book (p.173) a sampling rule that no more than two days from one week can be chosen is one way to ensure a balanced distribution across the month. Here in the study, September and November lies 5 day and October and December 4 day as a sample day. Nepal Television Nepal Television was established in January 1985 with the slogan “Communications for Development.” The television broadcasting in Nepal is completing its 27 years with Nepal Television’s growth in fulfilling its social responsibility. The signal of Nepal Television covers more than 50 countries which also blankets 50 percent of the total land mass and reaches to 72 percent of the country’s population. (Nepal Television) Kantipur Television
Launched in July 2003, as one of the private channels, Kantipur Television Network is Nepal’s pre-eminent television station, beaming 24/7 to more than a hundred countries across the Pacific, the Indian subcontinent and the North America. During its seven years of transmission, Kantipur Television has grown significantly and has carved a niche in the broadcasting history of Nepal (Kantipur Television, 2010). The study time period for practice of PSAs in Nepali television channel is September to December, 2011 in prime time. In TV studies “prime time” is generally defined as “the part of a day’s television schedule when the greatest number of viewers may be watching, normally the mid-evening period” (Jonathan 2004). In the Nepali television channel most of viewer watch the television in the mid evening after returning home from their work. So Nepali television channel define that time as a prime time and take higher rate for the advertisement. Most of popular program, soap opera and detail news are broadcasted in the same time (i.e. prime time). 3.4. Operational Definition Media Today the term ‘Media’ is used to refer the mass media. Media includes newspaper, radio, television and internet. In this research, the term media has been used to refer to government television Nepal television (NTV) and private television Kantipur television. Television Television is one of the organization members of mass media. Television, the combination of sound and vision ensures the message with great force and impact (Dyer, 1982). Here television means national coverage, 24 hour on- air and established under the National Broadcasting Policy 2052. Regulation
Regulation is administrative legislation that constitutes or contains right and allocate the responsibility. Regulation can take many form: legal restriction promulgated by a government authority, self regulation by industry, co-regulation or market regulation. Here regulation means the rule made by the government or media house for the PSAs. Public service announcements (PSAs) PSAs are all kind of social messages made by any sector, paid or non paid, free to on- air which is carried for public awareness and help people to change life without direct involvement of any product or services but sponsors can be identified. Practice of PSAs Practice means doing the activity rather than idea or policy of PSAs. Here the practice of PSAs means daily space occupied by the PSAs in media whatever the source.
Chapter-4 4.1. Data Presentation and Analysis
A. Data, Discussion and Findings
a. Quantitative Method Findings
For the quantitative content analysis, I have sorted out the commercials and PSAs from the total advertisements broadcasted by the television stations and counted it in-terms of number of times they are broadcasted through the stations. Here, I will present the table that shows the total number of commercials and PSAs broadcasted in a particular date from chosen sample week. Column under “Comm.” refers to total number of commercials broadcasted in a particular date and column under “PSA” shows the total number of PSAs broadcasted in the same day. The row that follows “total” shows separately the total number of commercials and PSAs drawn upon by summing up number of commercials and PSAs broadcasted in each date respectively. The row “total (Comm.+PSA)” gives the grand total of number of commercials plus PSAs broadcasted in a particular month as per the sample dates chosen. The last row “Percentage” (%) shows the total percentage of commercials and PSAs broadcasted as per the sample selection in a month drawn separately under each heading.
Total Number of Commercials and PSAs On-Aired according to the sample selection by Nepal Television:
September October November December
PSA Date Comm. PSA Date Comm. PSA Date Comm. PSA
4 4 120 5 5 124 7 8 116 6
4 12 120 5 6 124 7 16 116 6
4 20 120 6 14 124 7 24 123 6
3 28 120 5 22 124 7 25 123 6
3 30 124 7 Total
18 Total 480 21 Total 620 35 Total 478 24
Total (Comm. +PSA)
Percentage %
Table 1. Total Number of Commercials and PSAs On-Aired according to the sample selection by Nepal Television The table above shows total number of commercials and PSAs and their percentage according to the sample chosen during the four month period; September, October, November and December. As per the table total number of PSAs broadcasted by Nepal television is 18, 21, 35 & 24 in September, October, November & December which when converted into the percentage gives 2.87%, 4.20%, 5.35% and 4.78% respectively. In four months not more than 6% PSAs are in Nepal Television.
Total Number of Commercials and PSAs On-Aired according to the sample selection by Kantipur Television:
September October November December
PSA Date Adv. PSA Date Adv. PSA Date Adv. PSA
1 4 209 1 5 148 5 8 114 10
1 12 183 1 6 148 5 16 108 6
1 20 162 1 14 116 6 24 109 4
1 28 147 1 22 110 7 25 109 4
1 30 106 7 Total
5 Total 701 4 Total 628 30 Total 440 24
Total (Comm.+PSA)
Percentage %
Table 2. Total Number of Commercials and PSAs On-Aired according to the sample selection by Kantipur Television The table above shows total number of commercials and PSAs and their percentage according to the sample chosen during the four month period; September, October, November and December. As per the table total number of PSAs broadcasted by Kantipur television is 5, 4, 30 & 24 in September, October, November & December which when converted into the percentage gives 0.63%, 0.57%, 4.56% and 5.17% respectively. In first two months September and October the number of PSAs counts less than one percentage and in November and December PSAs is seen to rise significantly with an average of 5%.
Most of PSAs are paid and both televisions treat them as commercial and source are also same. In the period of sample time the main PSAs content are human rights, cultural harmony, about fake document, declaration of income tax, information about law by Nepal Bar association, awareness to deposit the money at bank by Nepal Banker Association, announcement for togetherness for tourism by Nepal Tourism Board. Source of some PSAs are Ministry of Local Development for gender equality, Ministry of Information and Communication for information rights. There are some PSAs which broadcast in special Occasion like HIVAIDS, Hand washing day, Water Day etc which can see in both television. Kantipur television have Own production PSAs called Gari Khana Deu (Let Make Working Environment). Nepal television which is owned by the government, claim they have PSAs as filler but they do not have any official record of schedule but when we watch television we can find out PSAs about education, water, health and etc. Conclusion of Quantitative method The no. of PSAs in sample period on the both television channel are not so much significant comparatively commercial. Its finding show that PSAs practice in both television is so few. b. Qualitative Method Finding Here inside the qualitative research used three different methods.
– Document Analysis
– Interview method
– Focus Group Discussion
b.1. Document Findings b.1.1. The National Broadcasting Act, 2049 (1993) Date of Authentication and Publication 2050.2.27.4 (9 June 1993)
It is expedient to make legal provisions on the broadcasting, without any obstruction of the flow of information in order that the general public get informed about impartial as
well as authentic news and information taking place at the national and international level, by making the broadcasting media reliable, effective and strong, with the use of modern technology available in the field of information and communications. In the act section 14 point in the heading Time may be allocated to broadcast advertisement: If any person intends to get any advertisement on publicity of any matter broadcast to the general public, time may be allocated for broadcasting that advertisement, by collecting the prescribed fee from such person, institution or body. Broadcasting of advertisement of substances such as smoking and liquors, causing harm to the public health shall be discouraged. In the heading of Prohibition on broadcasting of advertisement, broadcasting media should not advertise in following matter. Like matters adversely affecting political parties, materials of vulgar type, materials with object to oust the elected government by using violent force, matters of such a nature as to create unusual fear and terror in the general public, matters contrary to the non-aligned foreign policy of Nepal, materials misinterpreting disregarding, insulting and devaluing any tribe, language, religion and culture.
The finding of National Broadcasting Act 2049 is that here is no any specific provision for PSAs and no concept to bound media house as a social responsibility, only focuse the advertising content criteria.
b.1.2. The National Broadcasting Regulation, 2052 (1995)
National broadcasting regulation policy, 2052(1995) guide release of the license, regulation with defining duty and responsibility for broadcasting media. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 21 of the National Broadcasting Act, 2049 (1993), His Majesty’s Government has framed the rules. In section 13 availability of time for broadcasting advertisement describe if any person intends to get any advertisement broadcast pursuant to Section 14 of the Act, the advertisement fee to be collected from such person, institution or body shall be as prescribed by the Ministry, also taking into account the actual expenses to be incurred in broadcasting that advertisement by the institution or person providing the time for
broadcasting that advertisement and the advertisement fees charged by the broadcasting institutions of SAARC countries. The finding of National broadcasting regulation policy, 2052 is – no provision for PSAs and no any boundary for the PSAs as any media responsibility
b.1.3. Long term advertisement policy 2059 under Long -term Policy of Information and Communication Sector 2059 (2003)
Under the heading of long term advertisement policy, Media advertisement industry is categorized into two types, taking into account of the nature of advertisement and its impact. Business advertisement: – Any advertisements to be made with object to promote sales of goods and services, such as advertisement of introduction of new goods, filmy advertisement, price fluctuation advertisement, tender and contracts or notices. Public welfare advertisement: – Any advertisements to be made not from business motive but from social welfare viewpoint such as agriculture, health, education, public interest, information about good wishes and condolences. The main objective to achieve long term advertisement policy is
– To encourage and manage contribution of advertisement business to national economy by strengthening this business as a national industry.
– To promote advertisement as a main source of income in order to develop fair and free means of communications.
– to monitor the language, style and cultural subject matter used in advertisement and make advertisement lively and effective.
The finding of this document, first document where define the PSAs but not mention the source of PSAs and media house role for the PSAs.
b.1.4. Public Service Announcement Act for Broadcasting Media -2066
The objective of this act is to support the media house for assurance of right to information of the public and news source for that help established sustainable media
through the PSAs sponsor by the government. Here PSAs means all the message containing awareness and information for the public developed by the ministry. Nepal government’s advertisement can be divided in two parts, public commercial advertisement like tender, quotation notice and activities of government, second is Lok Kallyankari Bigyapan (Public service announcement). In the electronic media budget allocation are 66% for the FM& radio and 34% for the television after all the administrative cost and production cost. Media house from remote area are getting 25% extra public service announcement. Nepal postal service will supervise the PSAs of broadcasting media, especially radio and television will submit the PSAs CD including program. Media house must be registered in the regulatory committee with all necessary documents then MoIC will provide the PSAs after completion of all the required process. If any media house do not meet the criteria defined by regulatory committee then that media house will not be the eligible for receiving PSAs. Media selection committee comprises of various members representing government level to professional associations, which are as following respectively, Vice Secretary, Communication department, MoIC act as the Coordinator, where as each representatives from Nepal Press Council, Federation of Journalists Association, Television Broadcasting Association and Community Radio Broadcasting Association are members of the committee. The committee declared following point for the media.
– For each and every needed paper for application, media itself will be responsible.
– Association related paper must be compulsory.
– Committee can cross check any time through postal office and press institution.
– Committee can supervise media house at any time as per requirement.
– If any fake document found, the media will disqualified for getting PSAs for minimum two year
– Media must follow the Journalism code of ethics which make provision by the Nepal Government.
– Press council will be responsible for journalism ethics and that report will be send to the concerned Ministry. If media house violates the ethics for more than 3 times then PSAs sponsorship for that media will be terminated.
– If the media house faces any type of action from the jurisdiction, the PSAs fund for that media will be cancelled for the period of one year. – Will give priority to the media house that will produce the news and content in the local language. Condition for the media house from MoIC to obtain the PSAs
– Must follow the Nepal constitution and law
– Must possess PAN and regular tax clearance certificate.
– Must have audit report.
– Media house must follow the working journalist act.
– Repeated broadcast should not exceed more than 30 percent of the total program broadcast.
– For the television, Terrestrial or Satellite broadcasting minimum 330 days must be ON-Air within the period of one year.
– Advertisement time should not be more than 33.33 percent or one third of total broadcast time.
PSAs Content:
– MoIc, Nepal government will determine the subject and content of PSAs.
– Cultural diversification will be given priority for the PSAs.
– PSAs material for all media given by Ministry will be same.
– All the production work will be done by the Ministry and media have to on air only.
– Broadcasting material will published in website
PSAs time, date and payment mode
– PSAs broadcasting time are category into prime time or prime time and normal time as per Ministry requirement.
– As per MoIC requirement , broadcasting media must allocate the broadcast time.
– Media who are from inside the Kathmandu valley can collect from Ministry directly and for outside valley can be collect the payment from as per Ministry policy.
– Media have to follow all the condition setup by the committee.
– Media have to inform about the pre- schedule of the PSAs broadcasting to the committee
The finding of this document analysis is document focus government budget Structure for PSAs procedure, criteria and regulation for the PSAs. Media have to follow the condition for obtain the PSAs but not media participant in PSAs like media have to add some more frequency or media responsibility equivalent government PSAs.
b.1.5. Nepal Television Advertising Policy for the PSAs
Nepal television has its own advertising policy where, if the advertiser comes directly with social message 40% discount will be provided in the prevailing rate and even provides more frequency facility as per requirement for it will be not work PSAs come through advertising agency. For the government department action can be changed as per government policy.
So finding from NTV document analysis is 40% discount for the PSAs.
b.1.6. Kantipur Television Advertising Policy for the PSAs
Kantipur television does not have any specific written policy for the advertisement as well as PSAs. In the marketing department they have advertisement cost. Kantipur television further claims in the interview, that they follow the national broadcasting media policy. In the policy there is no bound to follow department policy and no any policy for the PSAs as the media responsibility. They claim that, if television house is in profit definitely there will be PSAs as voluntarism. If the television broadcasting business is under the breakeven point or loss; how is it possible to broadcast PSAs as responsibility? So finding from KTV document analysis is written policy not available. Conclusion of Document Analysis
Nepal law and Nepali media house policy did not mention PSAs as a social Responsibility of media house. Government has provision of PSAs for the broadcasting
media but not strong and practical regulatory body. Finally PSAs practice by document wise not seems in the good position. b.2. Interview
b.2.1. Interview with Government Body
Laxmi Bilas Koirala, G.M; Information Department, Nepal Government
Nepal government’s cabinet decided NRs.10 corers (100 million) Nepali currency for the broadcasting media in the name of PSAs and allocated NRs 2 corer (20 million) in the first phase. In the first and second year after the act, 192 radio station and 8 television channel got fund from the government for PSAs. In the case television, last year 162 min PSAs was On- Air including prime time and other normal time. Television Broadcasting Association is co-coordinating for it.
Nepal Postal service will supervise the PSAs of broadcasting media, especially radio and television will submit the PSAs CD including program. Before getting PSAs, media house must be registered in the regulatory committee with all necessary document then the Ministry of Information and Communication will provide the PSAs after completion of all the requirements. If any media house did not meet the measurement criteria defined by the regulatory committee then that media house will not be eligible for the receiving the PSAs.
For the television especially, there is no regulatory body. PSAs are regulated On- Air on the basis of the CD (digital proof) including program. Before giving the PSAs in the phase of media selection, the regulatory body will check all documents including their application. Ministry of information will provide the certificate after the PSAs payment release which will be strong document for next year application. If media house submit the fake release document then they will be disqualified for receiving PSAs for next two years.
The finding of the interview with Mr. Koirala shows that government is initiating something in the sector of PSAs. Regulation is not scientific and existing regulatory body is not effective for the television.
b.2.2. Interview with Media House
Interview with media house for finding the source of PSAs in media and media house policy for PSAs.
Deepa Gautam, Program Coordinator, Nepal Television
There are mainly four sources of PSAs in Nepal television. Many of PSAs are own production like importance of education for children, drinking water, save the natural resources etc which Nepal television has done as social responsibility. Second source of PSAs are occasional PSAs like HIV/AIDs day, Vitamin Day etc. Third source of PSAs are initially insisted or requested PSAs but later converted to sponsored PSAs like social campaign for natural victim etc. Fourth sources of PSAs are paid or sponsor PSAs from various ministries, INGOs and private sector. Definitely PSAs are less than commercial advertisements because commercial ads are the main source of revenue. Though Nepal television is government funded but still has to depend upon revenue collection to incur all the necessary expenses. Nepal television’s every program and content are public interest oriented. Nepal television always gives priority to social message and is always ready to co-operate with any sector. to encourage the PSAs, Nepal television have provided 40% off in the broadcasting rate for the PSAs in policy and in practice sometime it exceeds the given threshold of discount too.
The finding of interview with Nepal television are there are various sources of PSAs, very less PSAs generate revenue and has policy of 40% discount on the broadcasting rate for the PSAs.
Prakash K. C- Administrative Chief, Kantipur Television
The main sources of PSAs for Kantipur Television are different Ministries and NGO/ INGO, which are paid. As Kantipur television is leading private television, it produces PSAs sometimes whenever management feels necessary to do so although it is very hard to find. The frequency of PSAs is less than commercial ads, sometime countless because Kantipur television is a private commercial channel and its main objective is to earn profit. Kantipur television is accountable towards society but not to bound for social message that is the main reason some time PSAs get more space, some time less. Kantipur Television is totally commercial, main source of revenue is advertisement. It is the fact that government need to do more on such kind of issues rather then relying in private entities.
Kantipur television do not have written policy for the PSAs but it have some understanding like some more frequency added for PSAs than release budget, give space in prime time, reasonable price for government PSAs etc. Kantipur Television itself produces some PSAs and will be in the future but the main thing is that the management have to realize regarding the necessity of PSAs.
The finding of interview with Kantipur Television is that sources are NGO, INGO, government body etc but most of are paid, commercial are more because it is profit oriented television and no written policy , everything rely on understanding. Conclusion of the Interview It shows that Nepal government start PSAs for the broadcasting media but regulation still cannot became scientific and existing regulatory body not effective. Though the Sources of PSAs are diverse but at hand PSAs are less in Nepali television because televisions house themselves treats PSAs as a commercial.
b.3. Focus Group Discussion FGD is held in Kathmandu by face to face and concern the PSAs practice and policy among the following People. Juni Agrwal- Himalayan television Being media house, its our social responsibility to aware the society so from the very starting Himalayan Television had been broadcasting social welfare messages. We have started our social campaign journey to pressurize for timely completion of constitution writing process. This year we made lot of PSAs enchanting leading women from Nepali society and raised voice for the women. We are repeatedly broadcasting PSAs and giving high priority to women news. It gives us a very good feedback towards our television and as well as it has established Himalayan Television brand. Because we gave a priority many women in news, women became a headline of other national news too. It got success to help some of deprived women. We proudly say because of our campaign Anuradha Koirala got a lot of vote and became success CNN Heroin. PSAs are a one of strong tool of changing a society which is already proof by our practice in our Half year Journey. Pankaj Shrestha- MD of Prismark Advertising Pvt Ltd Various PSAs are broadcasted in Nepal but most of the broadcasting medium are radio. The reason for that is that radio is cheap, more reachable and best medium for reaching the target group. In television, few PSAs especially only occasional PSAs are available. Most of PSAs have only releasing budget not for production that’s why many of Nepali PSAs do not have strong message and presentation. Taking feedback of PSAs has not become a practice in Nepali context yet so it is hard to say about the effectiveness of PSAs unless it is work of an NGO. PSAs length is most of the time less than 1 minute. Most of the PSAs are targeted for rural area people, nowadays urban too but don’t have any idea about policy. Som Dhital – Media Hub Pvt. Ltd ( No. 1 buying house on the basic of volume of business)
The trend of PSAs development dramatically increased in Nepali television after the abolishment of constitutional monarchy regime as a result of it few PSAs can be seen but still
it is not noticeable. Nearly amount of 40- 50 million Nepalese rupees in the PSAs budget was allocated by government, NGO and INGO during that period. It is a fact that still there was no any policy about the PSAs. Donor agencies like UNDP, Save the Children etc have one basket fund for the PSAs. Most of the PSAs come to buying house for the process of release in the media. Government messages are most of the time provided to government media only. If we talk in percent 10% PSAs go through directly and 90% go through the advertising agency. There is no any discount or any scheme for the PSAs. Some media house charge high because they think the fund comes from donor agencies so could earn more profit. Nirmal Raj Poudel- Immediate Past persident Of AAN & MD of Welcome Advertising & Marketing Pvt Ltd. PSAs and commercial advertisement are different in the term of objective, message design and sponsor but media house treat in the same way. Government, social organization as well as private sector are also producing PSAs. Recently one example of private sector involvement PSAs is Jagadamaba Group; addressing for high risk of earthquake. Its shameful to say that Nepal government do not have any policy and no certified ministry for the advertising field before two year ago so if any problem or need any right to whom concern .If go through the government policy there was only one paragraph which address the censorship of advertisement. Till today Nepal government deals advertisement same as a film; 3hour film and advertisement censorship took same charge. Prakash K. C- Kantipur Television Kantipur television is the second television in the term of advertisement revenue and investment among the Nepali television channels, after Nepal Television. Some government advertisement come through the government and they deal in the fixed budget in that time we defiantly consider but if the government ad also come through the advertising agency then its count as a commercial no bargaining and no considertation. Fixed budget government advertising deal in very low rate in that case they cannot demand the prime time or any fixed time because we have some boundary ,i.e. we are commercial channel.
Raj Kumar Thapa- Marketing Manager , Nepal Television Most of the PSAs are government funded and hard to find private sector beside corporate social responsibility. Some company from private sector design the message addressing social welfare but finally linking with product message. For example Nepal is risk for the earthquake so take care when using material. For protection use this cement. PSAs are come from the advertising agency or buying house so media house deal PSAs as a commercial. In Nepali television, prime time is totally business place and main source of revenue, that time television cannot give PSAs as a free. Though PSAs message is short and effective but confusion is which sector must be focus. Because of lack of policy, government and other sector do not have planning for issue and agenda for the public aware. The bitter truth is that, here is freedom for every one for the public related agenda or issue. Ujwal Gauttam- Office Sectary, Television Broadcasting Association In the broadcast Advertisement situation of the Nepali Television is not satisfied point. In one side they are suffering from huge load shading in next hand media is growing day by day but advertisement industry not booming which is effect of ongoing the political situation too. No industry and any trade sector isn’t going good situation. Dilp Maharjan- Representative from Ministry of Information and Communication, Nepal Government Government had disseminated PSAs coordinating with various Ministries under the Ministry of Information and Communication which produce and distribution. Some of Ministry like Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare etc provide PSAs directly to media. Though Ministry of Information and Communication trying to collect all fund in one basket and disseminated with well plan. For the press media, Department of Information is concern Authority and for the broadcasting Ministry self look after. PSAs for the Broadcasting media is in Testimonial phase and policy are reactive. SahajMan Shrestha- One of Producer in Nepal Television in starting and Activities of Community Media in Nepal.
In the staring time television history, when only Nepal television was there, used to give 11 month free cost of telecast (FCT) in the one month payment PSAs. Nepali media have Good PSAs- who give the clear message, strong impact but number of PSAs in television not so much significant. For example there was one campaign which focus do not use a skin of the animals; for one jacket how many animal are killed. There was emotionally strike things in message which make PSAs campaign successful. Everyone are responsible for the PSAs if we are talking about the television PSAs from producer to television owner, activists to government so everyone is responsible for the PSAs. Only one problem is practice of PSAs is very low. Every media are bearing social responsibility and voluntary media are serving PSAs but not significant and no policy for judge their work too. Raj Kumar Bahattari- President of Advertising Association of Nepal Practice of PSAs in Nepal media less significant but whenever it feels need, each and every sector contribute for the PSAs. Nepal government have provision no need a censor for PSAs from Ministry of Information and Communication before broadcast which is compulsory for commercial to broadcast advertisement in Nepal Television ( private television are not so serious for the censor of advertisement) . Electronic media PSAs are comparatively good and effective that press. There are lacks of policy for PSAs from government level and Media house are not in good condition for bear the social responsibility. Conclusion of FDG PSAs practices are few and policy isn’t in stakeholder mind because there was not significant policy in the sector of the PSAs. Government trying to institutionalize the PSAs but seems lack of coordination in the government level PSAs. Beside the government level PSAs are occasional and for short term duration. Media isn’t in the condition to take PSAs as a Social responsibility towards public.
B. Analysis
“Mass media presumed not only to have certain objective effect on society but also to serve the social purpose” Data itself cannot answer the research question unless it is analyzed. At this stage the research data analyzed to generate evidence. This study analyses the practice of PSAs in Nepali televisions from September to December, 2011as well as regulation practice incorporate by law with the help of various law and policy. Here analysis part is the combination of both Quantitative and Qualitative method which is research methodology of this study.
a. Practice of PSAs in Nepali Television
The roles of media have not still changed from thousand of year. Media is always for the support and gives feedback to the government about the present situation. “What is going on” that is truth and professionalism for media. Today, the main jobs of the media houses are produce programs which can be sold to the advertisers. Audience took as consumer by the media house which sells through the advertisers (Lal, 2011). Nepali television channel are also same as a world practice; government and private television both took audience as a consumer. When the “sells and consumer” terms comes, result will be counted in the term of profit and responsibility terms did not refer anything. Audience, who live in the society and supposed ‘so called decision maker’ of the channels and their program’ and right what to accept or not accept. Where is responsibility of media toward them? It was the main concern of this study in the starting and now found still there is lack of the social responsibility concept in Nepali television channels. It seems to ignore the social responsibility theme- media should accept and fulfill the certain obligation to the society.
Though no of television is increasing day by day, Nepali television still in the development phase and advertisement is the main source of revenue for them. In this condition practice of PSAs is not so significant in prime time. Forty to Fifty million Nepali
rupee are minimum PSAs budget which came from government, NGO and INGO. PSAs are targeted for rural area people and few for the urban (Bhattrai, 2011). Nobody can involve and force the private sector for PSAs because PSAs is voluntary (K.C, 2011). So, who is the responsible for the PSAs? Government, social organization, private sector, media house, citizen or else. Social responsibility theory argues that media must be done something for the society but Nepali television not seems significant any PSAs produce by television themselves. Kantipur Television did one PSAs “Gari Khan Deu” in the study period but here is some confusion, one of renowned NGO working on same slogan before started by Kantipur Television (Samaridhi Foundation). Kantipur Television accepted our request and provides free space for PSAs and we started that slogan from 2009, August (Jha, 2012) it can take as a positive starting in Nepali television channel.
b. Present of PSAs in Nepali Television channels
In the prime time the no of the PSAs are less which is already shown by the above table. September month, the starting month of sample period PSAs are 2.87% in Nepal Television and 0.63% in Kantipur television. October month is known as a pick time for advertisement because of festival season, that period PSAs get 0.57% in the Kantipur television and 4.20% in Nepal Television. In November and December PSAs increase in the both television but not so significant its mean cannot touch even 6%. Social responsibility theory deal that society and public have right to expect high standard of performance, justified for the public good but in Nepali television it seems to perform good for themselves and profit motivated. In the day of main festival, Kantipur television broadcasted 50% commercial in four hour prime time duration. Social responsibility theory summarized media have obligation to society and media ownership is a public trust. In the sake of the profit media house can give more time for commercial and public took as only viewer who always accept whatever media broadcast; Nepali media running for the profit and cannot become a public trust.
PSAs are possible if the media feel the responsibility after the government. Kantipur Television does not have a policy and Nepal television have 40 percent discount rate if PSAs come directly. When this study raised the question why Nepali television channels do not have priority towards the PSAs? Nepali people do not need any PSAs? Is not it social responsibility of media? Nepali television channels reversely raised the issue, why PSAs?
Why not other? There can be the other way and media house are doing their responsibility. Television also argue that media house produce all the content for the public. Most of Nepali media house have public service program. There came one question “Is half hour program and 30 second PSAs can be compared?” which will be the most effective between program and PSAs? Defiantly Short message effective and reinforce the people and time save as well as can repeat in same cost. Short message are effective comparatively 30 minute program (Shrestha, 2012). There is no debate, if program not get commercial value then it will not broadcast or it will not be continuous. Media house rate the audience as a consumer, viewer, and judge and create a commercial value then media house must be responsible toward the audience. If the media want, PSAs can be broadcasted in a nominal cost. PSAs are not like a commercial which is for the profit, it’s for the society. If possible why not give free space at least 2/4 min in 24 hour broadcasting time (Dhital, 2012).
C. Difference and similarity between Private and Government Television
Television as the most ‘massive ‘of the media in terms of reach, time spent and popularity in the Nepal. In terms of program pattern both television are same, only the ownership is different. In the case of number of PSAs, government television has some more number than private television channel but not to a significant. The source of PSAs in both television channels is same because both televisions have paid PSAs. Government television gave less advertisement space than private television which is differences between both channels.
Kantipur television does not have policy for the PSAs and advertising policy depend on the National advertising policy and National broadcasting policy. Nepal television had policy but do not give emphasis to the PSAs and do not clear the media house own responsibility. It shows that media house was not serious about the PSAs and for advertising they just see nothing more than the revenue. Lack of advertising policy in media house causes advertising business not to grow in Nepal. Sometime media house break rule and create misunderstanding among advertising business stakeholder (Poudel, 2012). Kantipur television does not have compulsory advertising censorship before release; Nepal television
clearly mention that without censorship certificate from government board advertisement will not get released.
D. Difference between Policy and Practices
It’s shameful to say that Nepal government doesn’t have any policy and no certified ministry for the advertising field before two year ago (Poudel, 2012). Today Nepali advertising businesses are under the umbrella of Ministry of Information and communication but not in specific department. Those above line show the clear image what will be policy of advertising and PSAs in Nepali media. National Broadcasting policy didn’t mention any section about the PSAs, in the long term policy there is definition about PSAs but not regulation and supervision provision as well as it does not define the Source of the PSAs in Nepali media. There is no specific policy so no significant practice is seen. Nepal government has policy saying there is no need of censorship for the PSAs. After a long time of free media declaration, Nepal formulates “Long term policy on advertisement in Nepal-2059” as a one chapter of “Long term media policy-2059”. The main objective of long term policy on advertisement in Nepal is to ensure and manage the contribution of advertisement business to national economy by strengthening this business as a national industry and to promote advertisement as a main source of income in order to develop fair and free means. Here advertising source is missing which is reason for not having specific accountability with public interest. In the long term policy, there is no any address for the regulation but it was the foundation where Nepali advertising market got addressed by the state and it was first step for their identity. Kantipur television is the second television in the term of advertisement revenue and investment among the Nepali television channels, after Nepal Television. Some government advertisement come through the government and they deal in the fixed budget in that time we defiantly consider but if the government ad also come through the advertising agency then it counts as a commercial no bargaining and no consideration. Fixed budget government advertising deal in very low rate in that case they cannot demand the prime time or any fixed time because we have some boundary, i.e. We are commercial channel.
Advertisement is the blood of the media house. For getting advertising from corporate house there are many exercises. Advertisement can force to change the media house own policy and media house ready to consider everything for advertisement. The main weakness of the media is advertisement because advertisement is like media blood circulation and means of profit (Maharjan, 2011). This is the main cause not to have fixed advertisement policy in Nepali media house. Nepal governments provide the public service announcement advertisement on the report of the press council. Press council claims that there classification is unbiased and measurement way is scientific. Newspaper must have to submit the copy for press council which is strong proof of newspaper published the PSAs and eligible for payment. But many of newspaper for the sake of PSAs from government did unethical work. They published newspaper for the submit press council only and some time they publish same contain, only front page change. In 2065 B.S, press council make a special supervision committee and they found 28 newspaper have same content in whole newspaper which is published by Parsa District (Basnet, 2068 B.S). it is because of lack of regulation and extreme example of PSAs misuse. In the case of broadcasting media, PSAs regulation responsibility is given to the Nepal Postal service and district coordination committee including various working organization. There is question that how much it will work without any biasness. Most of media owner are businessperson, politician, elite people, NGO/INGO worker, government officer etc (Lal, 2011). The PSAs regulation under the District co-ordination committee and their member are same person who owned the media. PSAs can be extra source of income and report will make to get a payment release only. It can be win-win situation if government makes policy, “Government PSAs equal to media have to free space contribution as a social responsibility.”
At the present there is not any independent body from government sector for the advertisement industry. So there is no particular code of conduct, regulation and responsible body entire Nepali advertising industry. There is prohibited for the alcohol and tobacco advertisement but there is no supervision for vulgar advertisement and violence promotes advertisement. Some of public service advertisement sometime disseminate social disorder
message. Sometime public service message unintentionally harm the various group, language, religion and culture. A code of advertising must practice to govern the content and production of all forms of government advertising. Inside the government Advertisement policy, there are many challenges due to lack of clear code of conduct. In the case of fake document, if it is found there was maximum punishment that is not eligible to get government advertisement for two year but not rise what is minimum punishment. Even amount is small but starting is good but there is many lop-whole and obstacles in coming day. According to the act the government advertisement material will be available in ministry official website which is good for country like Nepal. The main question is “is all media have internet access?” Is Nepali internet service is so good where can download the material which is uploaded? In next hand getting a government advertisement is not easy procedure for media. The media should have to the pass long legal process and clear the all taxes. The main problem for media is some condition where compulsory the media to come out inside the other policy like working journalist act, staff provision fund, clean cheat etc.
E. Debate of PSAs as Social Responsibility
After 2046 B.S to 2063 B.S political change bring media development and political security and constitutional security that’s why media development is more than other sector. Though most of PSAs have government sponsor for release budget but not for Production which is the one reason Nepali PSAs do not have attractive presentation. People think that PSAs mean duty of the government for the rural people. PSAs are most of time below one minute, may be its hard to mange in 30 second. Because of that reason Nepali PSAs are so costly in broadcasting (Shrestha, 2012). If the television themselves want to produce PSAs, everything can available under the Umbrella of media house but Kantipur television not ready to accept that truth and argue that it need a team work and cost. For example need a producer, cameraperson, shooting team and other. It will be so difficult and question is worthy? In the case, out production and free broadcasting, main question is why should we do? (K.C,2011). Nepal television ready to produce PSAs using their own recourses but they
are not getting motivation. Here is the main lack of policy from the government level. In the national broadcasting policy and other advertisement related policy there is not pointed section for the PSAs. The government PSAs policy for the broadcasting also not so much effective and lack of media house responsibility. Media house must be equal contribution in the government PSAs fund. Most of the PSAs are government funded and hard to find private sector beside corporate social responsibility. Some company from private sector design the message addressing social welfare but finally linking with product message. For example Nepal is risk for the earthquake so take care when using material, for protection used this cement. PSAs are come from the advertising agency or buying house so media house deal PSAs as a commercial. In Nepali television, prime time is totally business place and main source of revenue, that time television cannot give PSAs as a free (Thapa, 2012). Prime time is business time mean that time many people used to watch the television and message most effective time. Here is the question what must be the objective of PSAs; PSAs broadcast for the name of broadcasting only or for distributed the message more effectively. If PSAs, for aware the public and message must be effective why the noon time or other time when the less people viewing television, why not in Prime time. Everyone have their social responsibility like big house have a big responsibility, small have small but who are capturing the market stakeholder, everyone should be responsible towards the society. May be government have to see many sector but communication market stakeholder always focus in communication only. Media house, advertising agency and other media related sector are specific, defiantly there responsibility and have to feel the responsibility toward the society. Each and every person has to social responsibility. Especially creative sector people who know how to hit the people mind have to be more social responsible. It will be better, if the government make some rule for all advertisers who used to do a commercial, have to give certain time for PSAs as their social responsibility.
F. Moral and Legal pressure for PSAs
Government disseminating PSAs coordinating with various ministries but there is not certified legal provision. Some ministries like Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare, and Ministry of Education etc. provide PSAs directly to media if necessary though Ministry of Information is trying to collect all funds in one basket only the lack of legal framework. For the press media, department of information is concerned authority and for the broadcasting ministry itself looks after them. In that condition Nepal government budget seems to be huge in the PSAs sector but output is less. In the policy there is not any definition for the responsibility of PSAs beside the government, so question can come how long it can go. Nepali law is reactive so till today media are beneficiary and government is giver but very soon a day will come when Nepali law will be proactive (Koirala, 2012) Nepal suffering from political instability after the 1990s, it’s mean after Multiparty Democracy. All time Nepal got short term government and policy change every time with government change. Most of Policy is made in the favor near and there or pressure group without research and study. Media took as tool by the government and political party but advertisement which is known as a blood circulation is not focused. As already we discussed, for the advertisement media can do anything and most of time media forget their responsibility. There isn’t specific legal framework for the PSAs as well as advertisement so not a legal pressure.
It is media house responsibility; buying house and advertising agency are only the medium between media and advertiser. (Dhital, 2012). PSAs and commercial advertisement are different in the term of objective, message design and sponsor but media house treat in the same way. Media took as a fourth organ of the state in the Nepal Constitution and every power wants to attach themselves with the media. If the media is so powerful so question is that why not little space of media use in the public welfare and broadcast the message on the behalf of the public as a short message. When the PSAs are observed in both television channels, all the PSAs are paid, source are various government organization, Department and Ministry, Civil Service Organization. By theoretically PSAs must be the either free production or On-Air free of charge. Though in this study operational definition PSAs are
those message which are paid or non- paid but carried the social welfare message. Even open the all option to observe the PSAs, both television have less than 5%. Media can create environment on their favor or issue on what they want; in the same time they can lead the subject as a major subject or surface (Lal, 2011). The question is there why Nepali television channel lack of some attention towards the public oriented message and help to overcome the difficult situation. There is no any discount or any scheme for the PSAs. Some media house charge high, because they think the fund come from donor agency in the dollar so have to take a premium. Even if the government body made PSAs, they will give the contract to any of one and they will hand over to the media. No matter what will be their response never care, is there positive or negative impact. For the increase the PSAs practice moral and legal framework can be solution. Conclusion of Analysis Finally, media presumed not only to have certain objectives effect in society but also to serve the social purpose which media responsibility towards the society. Practice of PSAs is low in Nepali media so present of PSAs is not above than 6 percent. Government media have more PSAs than the private media. Difference between policy and practice couldn’t analyze because policy are still not incorporated in law. Debate of social responsibility can be new but question first come for the existing. All the problems can be solved after drawing moral and legal framework of the PSAs.
Chapter 5 5.1. Conclusions In this study, the main research question; PSAs practice incorporated by law and sub-questions no of PSAs in television in prime time, available document and difference between practice and policy are answered by the study findings. The practice of PSAs is very poor and law couldn’t incorporate it too. Even PSAs from government level is in operational mode but it lacks proper and scientific regulation. Still there is not any institutional concept of PSAs and media social responsibility. Document and interview found that no law has bound the PSAs and media social responsibility. Even, there is not any regulation practice for government sponsor PSAs in broadcasting media. PSAs are social message which remind the people about their right, responsibility, duty etc, in the simple meaning PSAs to aware the public. PSAs are called Social message in practice which deals different than commercial; it’s a practical and testimonial. All information truth and present in simply way which can understand from grass hood level. PSAs is different than Commercial advertisement in message carry but same in dramatize, commercial have some more twist. Every mass media may be the best media for the PSAs but Television media can more effective because television can cover the elite to uneducated and urban to rural in one time from same message. Television is best medium among other mass media in terms of listening, hearing and showing and more useful to disseminate the message audio and visually at one time.
The number of PSAs comparatively very low in Nepali television channel than commercial and most of PSAs are paid. The entire PSAs sources are same in both television channel and television channel are dealing PSAs as a commercial. Media involvement in PSAs is very low by data wise because media are still facing a lot of problem like press freedom, economic problem etc, so their attention couldn’t draw toward their social responsibility. They argue that they produce the public service oriented program which is a kind of social responsibility. They are also saying media run itself is contributing the society
because Nepali media are not running for the profit only. ‘Media business is loss business ‘ said by Nirmal Gurung Owner of the Sagarmatha Television (Gurung, 2012) Still not conform who is the responsible for PSAs message but if we look into the practice, government, civil service organization and charitable organization are doing PSAs. Nowadays, private and corporate sector are doing PSAs as their part of Corporate Social Responsibility Nepali media look like operating by the One man management so there is hard to find fixed policy for the operation. Most of policies are oral and understanding between management and staff. Nepal television which is owned by government has policy for many things which is directed by the National broadcasting policy 2049; kantipur television doesn’t have written policy and oral understanding follow the National Broadcasting policy. In the context of advertising policy, media house used to generate on the spot when they need because advertising is blood circulation of all the media. Media house do not want to lose any kind of advertisement which is available in Nepali advertising market. Media give high priority to the advertisement, for the advertisement they can close the eye any kind of issue (Lal, 2011). Nepali law and Policy are reactive than proactive, policy come when it feel necessary (Koirala, 2012). In the media sector whatever policy come that all are reactive when it feels necessary. Public service announcement Act 2066 B.S, came after Nepali broadcaster demanded and government. It is clear that till today no one policy define about PSAs the media responsibility; media have to do something for society through the PSAs and need a equal contribution after getting a Government help in the name of the PSAs . If there is no policy mean there is no attention of government and related stakeholder. It’s also clear that there is not any regulation body to see the PSAs Practice. Here is the lack of regulation even utilization of government PSAs fund. PSAs deal as a social responsibility of media will take long time. Nepali media are practicing a self regulation so there is hope in future media fill the PSAs as their social responsibility. Nepali advertising, media, social are emerging day by day and going through learning phase.
5.2. Recommendations Though PSAs is important for the social welfare, the practice of PSAs is very low. Still there is confusion about the concept of PSAs and its importance. PSAs are dealt same as advertising and duty of government. Media are struggling to exist, responsibility mean run the media successfully for them. Nepal government is making policy and law as per necessary because Nepal is facing political instability. Nepal does have broadcasting policy and lack of regulation. Here the research found that media policy is made in the favor of media house and government. Policy maker still cannot give attention in the social welfare issue and bound the media to do something for the society beside the content. This research paper likes to put forward some recommendations through its findings for media house, government authority and related stakeholder which would help others to rethink while policy will refine and PSAs establish as media Social Responsibility. This will also definitely help researcher to get information to carry out future research in the similar fields. 5.2.1. Recommendation for Concern Authorities
– Government PSAs funding must be regulated and have to develop the structure for media equal participant.
– Government and other sector have to realize that only the institutional development can make long term business sustain, so Nepal government have to bring policy like who did PSAs they will get some more facility from government for example Tax reduction .
– In the context of Nepal, to make stakeholder responsible toward the society need certain law and will best make separate independent body i.e. Ad council which will look after the Government in the advertisement field.
– Ad council will circulate the all media house; give a certain percent of media house transition or certain percent of profit margin for the PSAs.
– For the media sustain, advertising itself also need a policy which is still not in Nepal Government have to think.
– PSAs can be advertising tool like other tool; Social campaign as a new venture.
– Policy maker and government PSAs fund provider have to make policy of contribution something from media house too.
– Private sector can be involved in the PSAs which will help to increase the number of PSAs in Nepali media.
– Compulsory for some space in the name of PSAs and collect the fund from various donor agency and other interested, will better make one basket fund and go through one way.
– For the advertising agency even they are only the mediator, government or that Ad council has to make some rule for the discount. Then advertising agency also will encourage for lobby about PSAs with their client.
– PSAs must be emotional and not only announcement and Maker should not forget PSAs to solve social problem effectively.
5.2.2. Recommendation for Televisions
It will be better for Television PSA’s to have duration of 15 or 30 seconds long. PSA’s, they should include the important “5 W’s”: “Who, What, When, Where, and Why.”The message should be simple, direct and targeted to television viewers with contact detail. Media can do cooperation with various organization and association which will help reduce cost of production. One to two percent of all broadcast time which will be not burden to television too. Television can ran the PSAs from 10 seconds to 60 second, with most running 30 in the context of Nepal television can choose any one of area which is really
social concern and never under estimate the subject. In this way television do the PSAs which will not take too much time of television and easily fulfill the social responsibility, it will help to earn goodwill from Audience side too. 5.3. Reflecting upon and evaluating the Methods Applied This study is prepared for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Regional Master Program (RMP) under the department of Mass communication and Journalism, University of Dhaka. It makes an effort to find out how the regulation practices for PSAs in Nepali television channel. The researcher carried many methods to give maximum strength for find out the truth and answer the research question. The research faces some problem in concept though it is not new topic; many of media scholars are unknown about this topic and taking as Public Service Broadcasting. Researcher relevant the topic with social responsibility, many of stakeholders denied the PSAs as social responsibility in spite of that media business argue that PSAs must be given by the government and that’s the media right after serving the country. The researcher herself motivated deeply to dig the truth and asked herself question; media rate the audience and sell to the advertiser, media earn the profit and will not share anyone, media get a PSAs fund which is citizen tax. What will people/audience/citizen get after all? Is it responsibility of media to aware the public about public concern issue? Is there any regulation practice of such issue? The researcher was little bit surprised when she get low no of PSAs in data and upset when didn’t get policy for the PSAs. Though, Nepal government had policy for the PSAs fund and more than 30% (percent) total Nepali advertisement business is covered by the government advertisement. In the policy there is definition of PSAs and criteria for getting PSAs from government but lack of clear regulation provision.
To know the regulation practice, research took two television ‘Nepal Television’ and kantipur Television’ prime time as a sample. For easing the study and analysis of the data, researcher found the PSAs practice in both television and the source of PSAs. After the
counting the no of PSAs in the prime time then start the document analysis of related policy and media house advertising policy including PSAs policy. On the basis of September to December, 2011prime time PSAs, researcher interview with government authority and media houses. Finally found out the difference between policy and practice, researcher did a focus group discussion at Kathmandu with media stakeholder. All of method helps the check and cross check the findings. Most of time Nepali media and authority are facing lack of written document which reflect the interview. In the interview, all the concern parties put their view, we will consider the PSAs and emphasis this topic but researcher didn’t get any written document. Kantipur television do not have written policy so cannot go so far only on the basis of Oral. Overall combination of the methods has helped to disclose the practice of PSAs in Nepali Television and incorporate by law which answered the main research question.

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Personal Interview:-
– Bhattarai, Raj kumar. President, Advertising Association of Nepal. [Personal Communication February 10, 2012]
– Dhital, Som. CEO, Media Hub Pvt Ltd. (Personal communication March 10, 2012 )
– Gautam, Deepa (2012). Program Co-ordinator, Nepal Television. Sighadaurbar, Kathmandu.(Personal Communication March 16, 2012)
– Gautam, Ujwal. Office sectrary, Nepal Television Broadcasting Assosition . (Personal communication March 22, 2012)
– Gurung, Nirmal. Owner, Sagamatha Television . (Personal Communication Febuary 19, 2012).
– Jha, Manish. Media planner & program co-ordinator, Samridhi Foundation.(Personal Communication 10 April 2012)
– Koirala , Laxmi Bilas .Deputy General Manger, Ministry of Information and communication, Nepal. (Personal Communication March 25, 2012).
– Maharjan, Dlip. Communication Officer for the PSAs, Ministry of Information and Communication. (Personal Communication February 21, 2012)
– Thapa, Raj. Kumar. Marketing Manager, Nepal Television. (Personal communication January 23, 2012)
– Shrestha, Pankaj. CEO, Prismark Advertising & marketing Pvt Ltd . (Personal Communication Febuary 2012).
– K.C, Prakash. Adminstrative Chief, Kantipur Televison.(Personal Communication March 16, 2012) – Poudel, Nirmal. Raj. MD. Welcome Advertising & Marketing Pvt Ltd and Imdidate Past Persident of AAN. (Personal Communication January 2012). – Shukala Tapanath. GM Radio Nepal and Past GM of NTV.(Personal Communication in February)
1. Composite week

Sept 1
Sept 9
Sept 17
Sept 18
Sept 26
Oct 4
Oct 12
Oct 20
Oct 28
Nov 5
Nov 6
Nov 14
Nov 22
Nov 30
Dec 8
Dec 16
Dec 24
Dec 25

2. Focus group discussion
Place:- Kathmandu No of participant:- 10 Date:- 12 March
Agrwal, Juni
MD. Himalayan Television, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Dhital, Som
CEO, Media Hub Pvt Ltd, Lazimapat, Kathmandu
Poudel, Nirmal Raj
Immediate Past president Of AAN & MD of Welcome Advertising & Marketing Pvt Ltd.
K. C., Prakash
Administrative Chief, Kantipur Television, Subidhanager, Kathmandu
Thapa, Raj kumar
Marketing Manager , Nepal Television
Shrestha, Pankaj
MD of Prismark Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd
Gauttam, Ujwal
Office secrtratary, Television Broadcasting Association
Maharjan, Dlip
Representative from Ministry of Information and communication
Shrestha, Sahaj Man
One of Producer in Nepal Television in starting Phase and activities of community media.
Bahattari, Raj Kumar
President of Advertising Association of Nepal
3. Questioners
3.1. Question for MoIC a) What is government doing in the sector of PSAs through the broadcasting media? b) What is the regulation policy for the PSAs? c) Do any regulatory bodies exist? If yes how they are working and if no what are the reasons behinds it? 3.2. Question for the Media Houses a) What is the source of PSAs in Nepal television? b) Why is it less or more than commercial?
c) What is own policy for the PSAs? 3.3. Focus group discussion Guide a) What is the difference between policy for PSAs and practice in Nepali television channel? b) What is practice of PSAs in Nepali media sector? c) Isn’t it social responsibility of media house?


Public Service Announcement (PSAs) for overcoming post war conflict in Nepal.

Title – Public Service Announcement (PSAs) for overcoming post war conflict in Nepal.

Time period of the study-  PSAs made during 2006 to 2008

Universe- General interested PSAs in peace

Sample- Random

Unit –Any PSAs which carry the peace related message


Nepal is a landlocked country between India and China. India and Nepal have open broader and 1/3 boarder connects with India. Directly and indirectly open boarder with India is being used for political interest which has been practiced since historical days.  In times of vast poverty and democratization process that did not advance marginalized people. Slowly pressure came from national and international sector for the government to stop the growing revolution but it increased day by day.  The root of the conflict has also been tied to the transformation of a feudal authoritarian rule into a modern form of governance (Paffenholz, 2009: 176). Poverty and inequality are widely upheld as the main causes and consequences of this conflict, whereby poverty and exclusion also legitimized a discourse of violence (Kievelitz & Polzer, 2002: 26).

As I am a citizen of Nepal and having passed my youthful days in that transitional phase, I have experienced what stopped exploring many youth their creative, lively day. Many of youth went overseas in the search of job and country itself faced the brain drain problem. Till today, near to thousand of youth are going out of country in the search of the job. People, who stayed in Nepal, were pressured to join the Maoist People’s war or had to migrate to the capital city Kathmandu for security. Conflict started with own people, unbalanced the social circle and looked like everything had reversed. People were killed by Nepal Army in the name of spy and rebellion; same thing were done by the Maoist Army too.

Growing media habits and PSAs became the most effective tool for Nepalese citizen to make them realize ” Way to overcome conflict” and the citizens role for the peace. PSAs awakened people to remember their responsibility, right, accountability, peace, democracy and many more. This study can be example for other conflict going country and Nepal itself because still today peace process is going on and in the mean time various caste and ethnic group are forcing for the federal state. In the constitution everyone wants to be sure about their rights.

“Public service announcement (PSAs) for overcoming post civil War conflict in Nepal” study shows how short message through television play important role for overcoming conflict. Though Nepal was supposed to get its very first federal constitution by 27 May, 2010 through the constitution assembly it was postponed various times and finally the constitution assembly could not resolve some disputed issues and the assembly was dissolved on 27 May 2012, declaring a new election for constitutional assembly on Nov, 2012. The scope of Public service announcement for peace-building in these processes is explored in this study.

Public Service Announcement (PSAs)

A public service announcement (PSAs) or public service ad is a type of advertisement featured on television, radio, print or other media, whereas the objective of a standard advertisement is to market a product, PSAs is intended to benefit the public interest, by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes, and potentially stimulating action. (Encyclopedia).


PSAs means those all advertising message which inform, educate, and motivate the public about non-commercial issues, such as family planning, AIDS and other health issues, political ideology, environmental concern, human rights, charitable activities, fund raising and more public concern in the mass media by the means of payment or free of charge (Public Service Announcement.2011 ).


In the early period, the PSAs space, materials were free but practice has somehow changed recently. Nowadays PSAs are sponsored by the public trust, government, civil service organization, private sector included media house themselves. The main motto is to aware the public, social welfare and address the public concern issue. Here PSAs sample are made by the civil service organization and paid for broadcasting.


 Background of Nepal:-

Nepal is one of the most beautiful country with Mount Everest, the highest peak of the world lying on it. Nepali economy is depended upon agriculture and remittance although there is a lot of opportunity of tourism and hydro power.  Low overall development and lack of political stability in Nepal made citizens more concerned in politics.  Due to geographical landscape, development has not happened equally all over the country. From the very beginning of the ruling system in Nepal, politics has been centralized and citizen who has been staying far from capital city has not been able to feel the presence of government. After 1990, Nepal got multi party democratic system and introduced new constitution replacing the monarchy system of rule. A new constitution in 1990 transformed Nepal from an absolute monarchy system into a constitutional monarchy with multi-party democracy. Media and education sector boomed during the multi party democracy system due to assurance of fundamental rights in the new constitution.


Till mid 1990s people had many hope with multi party democracy system but political parties fail to address their hope and just centralized in the political leader’s personal interest. The inequitable political representation along ethnic, religious, caste, gender, and regional lines were not transformed. Corruption and poor governance increased day by day and as a result of it frustration aroused with the political system among the marginalized and under privileged people. Especially people from remote part of Nepal were marginalized from the government.


Some of the political parties gained access to those remote areas with marginalized and under privileged people and caught the sentiment of their poverty. Among them ‘The Maoist Communist Party of Nepal (CPNM)’ initiated the so called “People’s war” in February 1996 from those areas of Nepal. Slowly the Maoists occupied districts, ran parallel administrations, installed their own tax systems, and destroyed land-ownership records and even seized properties of the so called land owners and distributed to deprived ones. These and other changes widely increased the support for the Maoists among many marginalized groups in Nepal and finally the entire nation was engulfed in the so called People’s War.


During the decade long Maoist led “People’s War”, known as civil war, the nation suffered the loss of over 13,000 lives; 3,500 families were displaced; 1,000 people are believed to have been disappeared, and the relationship of people at the community level was heavily affected resulting in mistrust and psycho social trauma. Simultaneously, several armed outfits also emerged in the Terai (plain landscape) southern districts of the country. Due to the prolonged civil war in the nation, Nepal nearly turned to be a failed state. It was very urgent to forge an agreement between the Maoists, the ruling forces and the other political parties to halt the war to end the deteriorating situation of the country. As an ultimate solution to end the decade long civil war, the Maoists and the other political forces of Nepal inked the 12th point deal to end the decade long civil war of the nation. As a result of the agreement, election date for the constitution assembly was declared but it could not take place at the scheduled date. The conflict weakened communities, the economy, and the infrastructure in one of the poorest countries in the world. Finally, with various agreements and deals made with various groups of the country, Nepal achieved a peace agreement, a constituent assembly, and an elected  government. The very first meeting of the Constitutional Assembly on 28 May,2008 declared Nepal a Federal Democratic Republic, and the monarchy was abolished from the history of Nepal.


Social structure of Nepal


A member of the ruling Shah family of Gorkha principality occupied the three Malla kingdoms and consolidated them. Buddhist, Hindu, and indigenous rituals constantly bound the Nepali society. Nepali social structure is based on the geographical and occupation, which was allocated more than 300 year ago. Women, ethnic and minority groups have historically been second-class citizens and inadequate representation on politics though Nepal is in changing phase. Today, Nepal has 125 documented language and 123 cast. Sometime people fail to interpret what the other person is saying or doing because of lack of understanding of the language and culture.


Location and Geography:-

Nepal is a landlocked sovereign state located in South Asia,with an area of 147,181 square kilometers (56,827 sq.mi). To the south, west, and east it is bordered by Republic of India and to the north lies Peoples Republic of China. Nepal is home to the Himalayan Mountains, which  has eight of the world’s ten tallest mountains, including the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest, called Sagarmatha in Nepali. It contains more than 240 peaks over 20,000 ft (6,096 m) above sea level.


Research Aim


Peace cannot be established by single effort, for restoration of peace contribution is needed from every sector; booming media habits and process of resolution of conflict are same time travelers in the Nepali context. Social message from audio- visual medium helps to overcome many difficulties, such as the lack of trust, avoid infrastructure destruction, and revitalize a war-torn economy. Nepal constitutes a case where a failed democratization process regresses into a decade long armed conflict. While the armed conflict has ended, and Nepal has become a democratic federal republic, no doubt many challenges are still prevalent in the efforts to sustain peace, democratization, and development. The aim of this study therefore is to explain and explore PSAs role and carried message in Nepal’s transition to peace or period of overcoming conflict.




Public service announcements (PSAs) contributed to overcome the conflict situation. For that the study went through the message or text of PSAs which are made in the conflict transitional period. PSAs role in the post conflict civil war of Nepal (1996-2006) has much significance. Here five PSAs produced between 2006 to 2009 has been taken as a sample in the purposive way due to lack of documentation. PSAs will be segregated into category after their content analysis on the basis of the announcement objective. Here all PSAs were funded by the international civil service organization. The contents of PSAs are messages carrying peace and emphasize on peace. The case study of PSAs during post civil war of Nepal can be beautiful example for the other country suffering from civil war.

Walizer and Wienir (1978) have defined methodology as any systematic procedure devised to examine the content of recorded information.(Dominik: mass media research). Many content analysis may be described as “reality check,” in which the portrayals of a certain group, phenomenon, trait, or characteristic is assessed against a standard taken from actuality.(  Dominik: mass media research p.168)e media meaning and allows for apparently general statement to be made about aspect of representation which non- specialists, journalists and experts like can understand.





Agenda setting Theory


Agenda setting theory proposes that ” the public agenda- or what kinds of things people discuss, think, and worry about (and sometimes ultimately press for legislation about)- is powerfully shaped and directed by what the news media choose to publicize”( Larson, 1986, dominik book p 385) Lang and lang (1981) suggest that the potential of the topic to affect many or few in the audience ( called “issued threshold) has a bearing on agenda  building.


During the transitional period of Nepal, media is the main source of information and has influenced the peace building process. Especially people get education about peace and harmony through media. Siegel (1958) study show that an impact on audience perceptions, particularly if the media were the main information sources. He founded in his study, children’s role expectations about a taxi driver could be influenced by hearing a radio program about the character.



Research question:-

In this study, message means written or spoken piece of information which is presented in the public service announcement.  This study is based on TV public service announcement which were broadcasted in Nepali television channel from 2007 to 2009.

What kinds of peace message were carried by PSAs for overcoming the post war conflict in Nepal?

Finding and discussion

PSAs 1

–          If the government and political power work together for identification and solution of the political problem, then those outfit groups who ask ransom from people will run away.

–          A concrete step from the political powers and peoples commitment and determination will definitely bring sustainable  peace in the country.


PSAs 2

–          Beside violence and conflict, Nepal was also known by the people who have contributed from their respective field in their own way to restore peace in the nation during the insurgency period.


–          The nation can take new direction only, if we take positive approach in life, the way these people worked,  let us too lay the foundation of peaceful and progressive Nepal.  Let us come together and move ahead for taking Nepal forward.


PSAs 3:-

–           We are first Nepali then only Pahadi, Madhsi, Hemali etc. Harmony among the Nepalese living together for centuries cannot be disturbed by others even they try. The communal harmony is the key for the peace and development lets be very sensitive on that.


PSAs 4:-

–          Peace agreement includes many concern about human rights like respecting the independence of the citizens, right to return home of the displaced citizens and suppression of forcible application of donation and freedom of wealth movement.

–           As a whole the peace agreement contains important points which would give country new direction like social, economic and political change, protection of human rights, management of insurgents and weapons, reconstruction and reintegration.


PSAs 5:-

–          The constitution assembly election has been announced, to make it a success citizens also need to do something for peace and security as it is the main thing for the progress of nation.

–           People need to be responsible and give up violence from today and work towards improving peace and security.




Here PSAs message are oriented on peace restoration especially focusing on successful constitution. Messages try to knock the government though it is transitional period. PSAs are focusing about the effects of the so called Peoples War and providing the solutions of the problems created. In the PSAs people migration from one place to another isn’t a solution. Peace is the only solution so main thing is peace need to be restored. In the PSAs social harmony are mainly shown and here include the character representation from various geographical people.


PSAs shows how the peace can be achieved. If the government and political power work together identifying all the problems and solve those problems the peace will be definitely restored. In the same PSA, it expresses peace will definitely come after a concrete step from political leaders along with  citizens  commitment and determination.


In the time of conflict, news are being covered about the conflict, the news about the death of innocent peoples murdered in bomb blasts, people killed by the rebellion army and the people killed by national security guards, news of abduction and murder of children have raised a sense of fear among the citizens. Conflict displaced many people and turned them into refugees in own country. In that period of conflict also many people are contributing from their own sector. PSAs show that in the time of conflict also some people are achieving their goals. In this PSAs show the nation can take new direction only if we took positive approach in life. The way these people are doing is one kind of foundation for peaceful and progressive Nepal.


            People are migrating because of threaten of ransom by so called Peoples Army and various outfits taking advantage of the volatile situation of the society. It means people are suffering from conflict and searching for peace. In the same message, another character speaks about the solution of the problem, if the government and political power work together to identify the problems and address them then the rebellions and the outfit groups activities will be discouraged. Finally the another character gets convinced for not leaving the village and message is given to all people that leaving own place is not the ultimate solution in order to get rid of the rebellion forces or the outfit groups rather we have to proceed for a concrete step from the political powers and people commitment and determination will definitely help to restore sustainable peace in the country.

The number of people being killed in the serial bomb blasting in the various part of the country is drastically increasing each day. The murder of children incident aroused a sense of fear amongst parents. Conflict has displaced and turned them into refugees in their own country. This has also lead to an increase in the number of people seeking foreign employment and going aboard as a solution of getting rid of the conflict. Beside violence and conflict, in the same time Nepal is also known by the people who have contributed from their respective field in their own way to restore peace in Nepal. Despite conflict and violence in the country, Dr. Ruit an ophthalmologist, has helped thousand of people to fight blindness and has become successful in bringing vision to them. Jhamak Kumari Ghimiri, a female writer, with physical disability since birth has become a source of inspiration for lot of people. Her contribution on the field of literature and her efforts for the restoration of peace through literature is highly appreciated.  Mahivir Pun, who went to US to pursue his higher education returned to Nepal to contribute for the poor peoples of Nepal. Despite the conflict, he choose to work in his remote village and connect the world through wireless internet. He has been successful in his end over against all cods and connected his remote village to the world through internet and has been continuously working to connect the remote villages of Nepal to the world. Ani, a singer by profession is continuously working towards spreading peace through her song.

The nation can take new direction only if we take positive approach in life from our own place, the way these people did let us lay the foundation of a peaceful and progressive Nepal. Let us come together and move ahead for taking Nepal forward which indicates the peace directly.

Wedding is the occasion where people used to invite everyone but after conflict people only like to invite guests from own community. It was the effect of conflict which brought the disturbance in the harmony of community.  In the same time another character raises the issue, why people are not invited from other community? In the same time next character reminds that we shouldn’t do something that might disturb community harmony.  The line- we are first Nepalese then only Pahadi, Madhesi, Himali etc i.e. nationality comes first then community and caste. Harmony among the Nepalese living together for centuries should not be disturbed by others. The communal harmony is the key for the peace and development of the nation, so lets be very sensitive on that. There is no doubt that disturbance in social harmony will lead to conflict so it should be discouraged.

Even after the peace agreement, there was hard time to go through properly. Peace agreement includes many concerns about human rights like respecting the independence of the citizens, right to return home to the displaced, restriction on forcible application of donation and  freedom of wealth movement. And this agreement was signed by all political parties with commitment to abide by it. As a whole the peace agreement had important points which would lead country to new direction like social, economic and political change, protection of human rights, management of so called peoples army and weapons, reconstruction of the damaged infrastructure and reintegration of various sectors. For peace and prosperity of the country, the contribution of each nepali citizen is important. Lets respect the comprehensive peace accord and protect our rights.

Everything have their positive and negative aspect, one positive aspect of Nepalese  war and conflict increased awareness among the general public, including the disadvantaged groups, about their rights by highlighting the prevailing discriminations in society. In the same time the disadvantage of war such as social disorder and un-trust with each other come hand to hand. The main cause of such kind of conflict was discrimination in the social, economic and cultural areas of the country. It was great loss in terms of human life, and social and physical structures, pushing development efforts backward. Local and international actors and stakeholders are engaged in Nepal to sustain peace, facilitate inclusive democracy and equitable development. Social message help to build strong relation between the Nepalese and peace development.

Finally, PSAs study has developed as a new perspective to overcome the conflict because without the public awareness conflict cannot be resolved easily.  It is the fact that many developing countries suffering from civil war, no matter how long, War always creates a social disorder which cannot be ignored. After the war, damage of infrastructure can be reconstructed within certain year but to change peoples mentality it might take generation to generation. For  reshaping peoples mind, need to change the way of thinking, way of perception, overcome from fear, social order and many problem which brought by war. In between war there were several incidents of violence, repression and threats. There is always disagreement with old system even sometime in new. Some of national level misunderstanding, debate and demands and differences among the political leaders were tackled through dialogues, discussion and consensus. For the mass or reached ground level need to address the people by certain message and for the result have to re-enforce the people, there is no debate only mass media can reinforce the public for their betterment.


Massage for Change (MCs)

Nepal  ranks 157 (out of 187) on the 2012  Human Development Index. Thus the

Himalayan kingdom with its 26.5 million populations and a per capita income of US$ 645 is

placed among the poorest nation of the world. The proportion of the population living below the poverty line is officially around 38%. According to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, this percentage has been brought down to 30%. Indeed, this was one of the stated goals included in the Tenth Five-Year Plan, which was designed as a Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.

PSAs signify unity at a time when the issue of social harmony was of key concern in Nepal. The PSAs was representative of the diversity of the country and signify the aspirations of people: peace, awareness, mediation, hope and felicity in a new democratic setup.

After a decade long civil conflict in Nepal, a Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) was signed by the Seven-Party Alliance government and the Maoists. The CPA was followed by Peoples Movement II which re-established the democracy in the country.

The country was in transition and there was a need for initiatives in support of reconstruction of the nation. The PSAs was born to address the transitional needs of New Nepal.

Hypothetical Nepali characters were created who could be inclusive and representative of the diversity of Nepal. These characters were established as the Messengers for Change (MCs) to give voice to the expectations of the people as well as the role people could play in the making of New Nepal.

Issues of key concerns such as peace, security, Constitution Assembly (CA), communal harmony, reconstruction, diversity, unity, press freedom and others were disseminated through TV PSAs.


Nepali media played a great role producing public related program but that only was not sufficient in post conflict period. Civil service organization produced public service announcements taking help of media and Nepal government in the various public concerned issues which played great role for public awareness. In the post civil war Nepali public service announcement helped people overcome the conflict showing, discussing various issue of conflict, short term and long term effect of conflict. However, the later staging of the Constitution Assembly (CA) polls was seen as a great success despite the adverse situations created by the unrest in the Terai. The CA poll itself was a great achievement in Nepali political history.


Maximum TV viewers, the visual aspect of television makes messages especially clear and salient. In assessing recall of certain programs and messages, it appears that respondents were better able to recall characters from TV programs, probably because of the visual component of being able to see these characters.

( this is first draft waiting for friend comment)


सूचना–प्रविधिका स्नातकोत्तर तरकारीखेतीमा


via सूचना–प्रविधिका स्नातकोत्तर तरकारीखेतीमा.

Kantipur Tv case study


Kantipur television is the one of leading television channel after the state owned television channel the name of “Nepal Television”. Kantipur television claimed there is no any competitor of them. They also claim that they are professional as well as they are in the unbiased television channel across the Nepal. If we observed the Nepali television market we can found the kantipur television with huge investment and high quality equipment. They are using professional manpower and producing viewer choice quality television program and news. Among the Nepali television, kantipur television has more revenue collection and flow of the advertisement. Now kantipur television is run with profitable balance in annul figure but its take two more year for the cumulative profit. In the starting day, they have plan to be in breakeven point within five year but its take seven year only the reason kantipur television involve in the 2063/64 Janaaandolan (movement for Republic Nepal) . From last one year, staffs are getting a bonus in every six month what proved that kantipur television is running under the profit. Kantipur television has good management, systematic working policy, insurance policy, and provision fund and job security. Well trained and satisfied staff working from beginning to till today what helps to make NO 1 among the media practitioners. In this study I am going to observed “what is the ownership pattern of kantipur television?” that success establish them in the Nepali market as a leading television. What are the reasons they get a best position in the market? What is the ownership role for this position? In the same time I will try to see, many media come in one time, some are still in the loss, some are in the break even point. Why no one television competes with kantipur television?


About kantipur television:- 

Kantipur television is leading private television channel across the Nepal launched in July 2003. It is a Nepal’s most outstanding television station, beaming 24/7 to more than a hundred countries across the Pacific, the Indian subcontinent and the North America. During its eight years of transmission, Kantipur Television has grown significantly and has fixed a place in the broadcasting history of Nepal. It has gained equal popularity at home and among the non-resident Nepalese community abroad. Promoted by Non-Residents Nepalese in Russia and the Kantipur media group, it is licensed to operate as a TV broadcasting company in terrestrially as well as via satellite. For this purpose, it has embraced the latest technology, updated production equipment and other facilities and skilled human resources with a view to providing a multitude of entertainment programs, national and international news and talk shows. It has achieved a high point in its stand of credible news and information and exclusive entertainment programs. Its objective is to provide a television service that informs, entertains and inspires viewers with a Nepalese perspective in the changing context.

Television in world and Nepal:

If we reverse to history, John Logie Baird gave the world’s first public television demonstration of a mechanical television apparatus to approximately 40 members of the Royal Institution at his laboratory on Frith Street of Scotland on January 23, 1926. ( was images of living human faces, not outlines or silhouettes, with complete tonal gradations of light and shade. World War-II is considered the last and final birth of television. In the case of Nepal, Television was a subject of debating in Parliament in 1980.Nepal government finally allowed television in Nepal and it was taken as a study, feasibility under the information and broadcasting. Nepal television was former test broadcast successfully in December 31, 1983. Nepal Television made a position only one channel in across the Nepal for 15 to 16 year. Nepal government brought some changed in information act on the 2001which help to introduce a private television channel. Channel Nepal start television station as a first private television focused on the entertainment. After some year Image channel and Kantipur television come which carry mix package (News & entertainment program). Nowadays Nepal has more than 16 television channels running as a national television, some are regional television and many more are on the way.


In this case study I am doing a situational analysis. I am going to see the ownership pattern of  kantipur television  and study the what is the condition of kantipur television. For the study, I went the kantipur television and interview with the authority, staff, and former staff as well as collect the document. In the study I also try to consult with many other media journalist and public who are the witness of the development of kantipur television as a leading television across the Nepal. Here I am using both method quantative method and qualitative method.



S.n particular  
1. Kantipur television founded in 13 july 2003
2. Managing Director Mr. Kailash Sirohiya


3. Address kantipur Complex, Subidhanagar, Kathmandu, Nepal
4. Phone: 977 1 480100
5. Fax: 977 1 474641
6. URL:
7. Investor Mr. Jiba Lamichhane (NRN),

Mr. Upendra Mahato, Phd (NRN)

Mr. Ganesh Agrawal

Mr. Kailash Sirohiya


8. Capital 100 millions(Nrs)
9. Paid up capital 50 millions(Nrs)


10. Income & expenditure

Projected income for 2068/69

Income of 2067/68(last year)

Expenditure of 2067/68

                                                                                                  25 million   (Nrs)

19 Million (Nrs)

16 Million (Nrs)

11. Source of income Advertisement
12. Break even point meet at 7 year after establishment


13. Bottom line Earn the profit.


14. Program structure 40% of news and current affair and 60% general entertainment


15. Technology Free air signal, so can received through simple antennas’ fitted on the Tv set.


Source:- Interviewed with Mr. yagya …..cheif of finance & prakash




There is no doubt kantipur television owners have used their size and strength in television starting which is not available with their competitor in the starting. They are totally private channel and profit oriented. They have had access to large amounts of investment capital for expensive equipment and professional people. Kantipur television owner took advantage of efficiencies result from their investment. They hire the top professional among the market with high payment. In the starting they make some project even they know they are getting loss. In the starting journey of kantipur televison , the  political situation of Nepal also not favorable but they just give continuity producing in the television program and news. They focus the news and current affairs which was public demand at that time. People are more interested the political development because political party are out of mainstream politics and king is governing the country as well as Nepal was running out of democracy. Kantipur television owner faced the political challenge and some how economic challenge. In that condition also kantipur television has been able to reduce the financial risks in various ways, including diversification of holding.  All the investor have there different business background which is the strength of kantipur television network. In the starting day kantipur television attempts to reduce risks often violate basic market principles of competition and replace these principles with oligopoly or monopoly behavior. The concentration of media ownership thus presents serious problems even by market standards but finally kantipur television get success in their way.

If we talk about the corporate strategic of kantipur television, they claim that every media organization name of kantipur are independent and not related with each other. Its mean no relation between kantipur press wings where 2 daily newspaper and other 5 weekly as well as monthly. In the same way Kantipur Radio which is the biggest commercial radio station across the Nepal as well as online media. Directly or indirectly other media in same umbrella also help out to be the leading television station across the Nepal. Its seem to be that classic strategy theory and a model of emerging corporate strategy. Kantipur television seems to take more advantage of liquid political situation in that time. Many of time Nepali government media policy stands on favor of kantipur television, some of media personal argue that kantipur television force to media policy at their favor specially Sher Bahadur Dewuba  government. Many of research informally want to talk and raise the voice kantipur television become a leading because its take more advantage from government policy and people sympathy. May be there was debate but kanitipur television get huge donation from government in the financially critical period. But kantipur television say no comment in such issue but do not forget every media is getting donation from the government. But the study show that the new regimes would instead takeover, first of all, the radio, television stations, the telephones and telex exchanges and the print media. And after having entrenched themselves, it will by and large leave those who manage the industries. while all the functionaries who manage the mind industries would be replaced. In such executive extreme positions, the role of the broadcast media becomes quite clear (Enzensberger, 1978:115).


After the restoration of democracy in 1990, government adopted liberal policy in communication. Although the Communication policy of 1992 opened the door for the private sector to operate broadcasting station, government issued the license only in 1997 when the massive pressure was created by media sector, civil society, different NGOs, development workers and others. After that reason among of private channel kantipur television also came in the market.  At this hour, Viewers had the domestic taste on news and current affairs program.   Even today Television is limited because only 20 percent of homes have electricity. Much broadcast media consists of entertainment rather than news. Television stations are concentrated only on the urban life and surrounding. Their program contents are focused only of the central government and the activities are covered as the same. A decade ago, television in Nepal, had access only for the rich people. It is the glamorous channel that only rich people can afford this. (TV sets, Cable, electricity etc. have only with the rich people or in urban area). Finally kantipur television owner catch that weakness of Nepali broadcasting media and went to the satellite and Tersital. They used the reporter of kantipur radio as well as kantipur daily and cover the news from the various part of country. It happen the possible because of the kantipur group have other media.

Like all the television channel kantipur television station broadcast news. News programs obviously are the main priority through it is mixed channel. Different surveys have shown that viewers like the news more. Another fact is that, advertisement flow is high on the news bulletin and related programmes. Kantipur television have hourly news bulletin. Sometime kantipur television have special bulletin in the special occasion and emergency period. Kantipur television is first television who did live more than three place in a same time in the constitution essembly. National news, vox pop, business news, sports news and international news are main part of the news. TV stations used to update the fresh news and information through breaking news by stopping the regular program. Likewise the practice of scroll news is highly observed.  Kantipur also emphasis the owner interest field, some time we cannot avoid it said by the MR. Janak ..  In the nepali media many researcher claim that media practitioners and investors are influenced by political parties or by business interest or by INGO/NGO’s interest. Business and NGO community are able to affecting the system, not only to media. the same quersity I put with kantipur authority, they disagree into these saying and asked to see me the see the kantipur television context. In the observation I found the kantipur television in the democratic line and present in the professional way. But next thing I found my observation period kantipur television is giving emphasis’ the one INGO sponsor program. In every 30 min they telecasting a promo of the serial name “Hamro Team”, its force to think me is the kantipur television owners are little favors with INGO


Short description of kantipur television.

1. Kantipur Television T/S Mixed (Information-entertainment) 2003 July Hourly News Bulletin/ Kantipur Bahas (Kantipur discussion), Sarokar (Concern), Fireside, Sajha Sabal(Common Question), Business Journal . Gharpeti BA, Kantipur Aaja,  Music Mella, Call Kantipur and many more.

Source: Ministry of Information and Communication/ Personal observation for the programme.


Kantipur television always examines the structure and content of news reportage. It will also be used to examine the social relations of production and the existing class relations in the Nepali society. It will include those who own the television stations and their motives. It will examine what news is produced for consumption and who defines it. Kantipur television emphasis the news of NRN and its produce program urban oriented. In that concern kantipur television answer that we produce the program what the viewer want. But program was commercial without interest of owner. We are free the produce the program said by the Mr arjun Khadaka – chief program producer. Marx (1965) wrote that “in the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations of production, which are independent of their will, namely, relations of production”. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of the society, the real foundation on which arises a legal and political super structure and to which correspond definite form of social consciousness..


Murdock and Golding (1977:108) pointed that……………conglomeration of ownership, the inter-connectedness amongst mass media controllers indicate that the mass media constitute an idea of the capitalist class. They further argue that concentration limits the range and diversity of views and opinion, which find public expression. More significantly, it is this views and opinions representing the least powerful social groups, which are systematically excluded .


One of program producer in panel discussion says that; As Nepali living style change we try to produce some program to matching with them. We have to Non Resident Nepali (NRN) viewer  too, they request us the produce the news and program which has credibility. kantipur television can see the various part of the world. So try always best for the program compete with international program. He agree that mass media specially television can impact the people lifestyle. We are try for positive impact and its our assets too. No doubt their fragmented and differentiated lives, the mass media are responsible for providing the images, the representation sand ideas around the social totality…which separate and fragmented pieces can beg rasped as a whole(Hall, 1977:230).


According to market model media can divided into public sphere and private. There is no doubt that kantipur television is private sphere market model. It can change the ownership if there other interest increase or loose. In the kantipur television also there was management change. Every management change bring some change in the program pattern which is universal rule.  Murdock and Golding (1977:108) pointed out mass media involve how it legitimises and maintains class inequality, processes that contribute to  the reproduction of class relations and the shift from ownership. They further argue that since the shift to conglomeration of ownership, the inter-connectedness amongst mass media controllers indicate that the mass media constitute an idea of the capitalist class. While it may be conceived that the NRN are the working class in starting then they changed into vital part of the country economy. In Nepal NRN are investing many area among of them media is there clear and white business. So, may be kantipur investment by NRN representative can be one of the reason. The next thing can be Mr. Upendra  Mahoto interest because he have television related business in Russia or can be main interest of Mr kailash  sirohiya because he was already established in press may be he want control the nepali media industry. Their hidden interest is profit making even NRN are taking as their responsibility have to do significant thing where they bron. It is truth today Nepal economy are carry by the remittance and NRN. They are holding a big corporate house which are interrelated with each other business i.e Sanima Bank, NCELL ect .

Beside the all the thing, kantipur television involve in national movement. The nationalist movement, which led to Republic Nepal, transferred political power indirectly. One of the inverter is the former and first president of the NRN. After the republic Nepal, kantipur television less effort to become a media watch dog which is the main duty of the media, its mean its not become lapdog also. But kantipur teliviso did not play the significant role for consititution making and kick out recent political deadlock. There may be big ownership behind that which defiantly will show by time. As the “fourth power” in society, kantipur television is supposed to gather the voice of voiceless which is the best part of the television. The second good thing of kantipur television ownership is they never present directly and interfere the media content. In the panel discussion the participant also clarified they never have to embarrass by the owner.  Political activities (news) are still on the priority in the kantipur television. If we analyze the history of the Nepalese news, it has been gradually changed on the news content after the presence of the private television stations. One of credit goes to kantipur television network told by the Media personality and former news reader of kantipur television Dil Bhusan Pathak. Now there is high competition to break the news story. Stations are covering the events ‘live’. But here seems kantipur television do not want to do unhealthy competition. Mr surendra Panday chief of current affair told other Stations are breaking the news without adequate preparation. ‘Live’ is given for the ‘live’ only but kantipur television never did such work and management never pressures for the break the news and ran after the popularity. In the kantipur television there was full editorial freedom, no pressure from the management.

Television is the new phenomena in Nepal. So the workers in Television are hired from the print. News editor of Kantipur Television, Tirtha Koiral said investors are not investing on the skill improvement. But kantipur television investor try to skill improvement of the staff which is one of the reason kantipur televisions leading the broadcasting media.  Another crazy thing which is observed in the kantipur television is the opinion poll through SMS (short message service). For the SMS poll, issues of public concern (sometime own interest also) is asked with three different option. Respondent has to choose one through SMS. Stations present the percentage only in a diagram. When I question about this subject in panel discussion, most of participant say its right which is given to the public. We publish what we got some and management interest with such program too because its increase the goodwill of channel. The news department there is not a management hidden interest for the popularity. It is the one segmentation where we respect the audience and we try to reach only with them. How many respondents use to be there isn’t known? Those who have mobile and television can participate only. Another major thing is that respondents who have their own interest participate on the poll. That’s why such poll does not indicate the actual feeling of the general people. In my practical consideration, number of respondent used to be high when SMS was free of cost. The number of respondents decreased by one fifth after station started to charge for SMS. SMS polling is becoming a way for earning to service provider and the TV station which is the side/ extra income of the kantipur television station.  In the case of other program most of are current affair and entertainment which is totally commercial.

Kantipur television is not investing for the content production.’ Arjun khadaka, senior program producer of Kantipur Television also agreed on this argument. He added, ‘Intention of the media is one side and the correction of the political party is another side. It is necessary to analyze separately. Station has given more priority for the political happenings in the same time we are producing many news but we love to filter and we donot want repeat same story what other television already broadcast. Media owner as well as journalists are somehow connected with political parties and they used to self censoring the issues and agenda to please the party and the leader. There are only few independent journalist and media house in the Nepalese media.. kantipur television want to tag themselves as a independent media and professional. They claim that media duty is give the right and balanced information to the public. In the period of king rule kantipur television tagged one of another politic party but kantipur television claim that we did for the citizen nothing more than that.


Television broadcasting is the new phenomenon in Nepal. Beginning in December 1985, the state-owned Nepal Television Corporation began airing programs. Viewers often used satellite dishes to receive international broadcasts from CNN and the BBC in addition to Indian and foreign programs. Access to the media is increasing as the number increased. Television media are limited basically in urban areas as the electricity facility is only for 20% of total population.  Events are thoroughly covered in the latest news bulletins with fresh visuals by nepali commercial media. It is likely observed that the use of the fresh visual is high these days in the nepali media. After this study, finally i can say that kantipur television ownership pattern is the private, partnership among the Non Resdient Nepali, prominent media businessman and the real state businessperson guided by the profit. The investor main interest is gain the profit and exapand the other business through the mass media. The investment of kantipur television is full investment of the Non Resdient Nepali and Nepali citizen. Till today they are not seem particularly related with any specific political party. I cannot found any hidden interest of investor. There was not clear data available who owned how much share but i can assume that Non Resident Nepali investing more.
















Nepali billionaires (2004).Retrieved September 3, 2011 from

Investment(2010). Retrieved September 1, 2011 from

Non Resident investment in Nepal (2010). Retrieved September 2 , 2011 from

MediaOwnership and Content (2004). Retrieved September 1, 2011 from

Who Owns the Media retrieved September 6, 2011 from

Registration of television(2003). Retrieved September 1,2011 from

 Press release. (2010). Kantipur Television Announces Management Changes [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from http://

Vincent Masco (1996). The political economy of  communication. Far east square Singapore 048763: SAGE publication

 Roger D. Wimmer & Joseph P. Dominick. Mass Media Research: An introducation, Belmont, California wadsworth publication Company. 

Milestone: kantipur publication at glance (2002)

Media vision: kantipur karamchari association 2009.

Kantipur Television Network (2010). Retrieved September 1, 2011 from














Press release

Kantipur Television Announces Management Changes


Kantipur Television has appointed Kailash sheroya as Managing Director. The board of directors of the television was reconstituted on Feb. 14, 2010. The reconstituted board comprises former Managing Director of the television Ganesh Agrawal, Upendra Mahato and Jiiva Lamichhane. Sirohiya is also Chairman and Managing Director of Kantipur Publications and Kantipur Radio. Sirohiya, who was the managing director of the same television earlier, had left the position after the Feb. 1, 2005 royal takeover.










Focus group discussion inside the kantipur televison:-


1. Surendra pandey   – Sr.sub editor, News & current Affairs, email-

2. Arjun Khadaka – program producer- email not aviable

3. Jagat Nepal- secretary, Federation of Nepali journalist(FNJ), media village , kathamandu, Nepal.

4. Prakash K.c- chief ,Adminstration & international business-

5. Yagya C. Adhikari- Chief of Finance,

6. Bhuvan K.c, Director , television Journalist Association of Nepal,













political timeline when the kantipur television start the journey. Source


2002 May – Parliament dissolved, fresh elections called amid political confrontation over extending the state of emergency. Sher Bahadur Deuba heads interim government, renews emergency. 2002 October – King Gyanendra dismisses Deuba and indefinitely puts off elections set for November.

2003 January – Rebels, government declare ceasefire.

End of truce

2003 August – Rebels pull out of peace talks with government and end seven-month truce. The following months see resurgence of violence and frequent clashes between students/activists and police










Photo feature of panel discussion:-


From clock wise Jagat Nepal- secretary, Federation of Nepali journalist(FNJ), media village , kathamandu, Nepal, Surendra Pandey- Sr.sub editor, News & current Affairs, kantipur television,  Arjun Khadaka- program producer kantipur television.





From clock wise From clock wise Jagat Nepal- secretary, Federation of Nepali journalist(FNJ), media village , kathamandu, Nepal, Surendra Pandey- Sr.sub editor, News & current Affairs, kantipur television,  and Bhuvan K.c, Director , Television Journalist Association of Nepal



Prakash K.c- Chief Administration & International business interviewing for the case study.



Yagya C. Adhikari- Chief of Finance sharing about the financial sistution about the kantipur television.




Kantipur television announce for the Dish Network.





















A case study of Kantipur Television Network ownership pattern























Submitted by:

Sunita nhemaphuki

Roll no : 60

Regional Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism

2nd Batch

University of Dhaka

Submission date:- september29 , 2011

The Girl to whom I meet today….

taking tea in her framing

She is 29 year old with a lot of dream. I do not know what to say her. She is somehow freedom lover, feminist, iron lady, stupid or else. I know her from last 8 year, in 8 year she change her job may be in the 8 time. She was changing mind which is somehow good but her career is now in dilemma what I think for her. Till today she have family support but one question is there how long she will get that’s my mind setup for her.

Today I visit in her place and found doing agro work in the field. Before going there I heard something from my dada so I went to meet. She was with modern dress and playing with clay. She was spreading some seed of Capricorn and dreaming of organic product.

Here I am questioning myself one youth with master degree joining agriculture what should I have to do; congratulation or discourage. Obviously I salute for the work, any kind of work with legal framework. When I saw the girl from capital city, staying far from home and taking land in the lease; creating a job for people and involving her in agriculture in that time I am speechless.

I start to talk and asked first question why you are in this field; she answers me why everyone question me same question. That time I feel myself, how I can be such stupid. Why not she in agriculture feild? Then I try to give a company to her. She shows me all land which she took at a lease. She shows me potato which is her first product. She does not have any story behind come to agriculture field but she has a dream.

I spent five hour with her in her field. During this time she finish spray the seed, put the water, cover by the plastic. As a lunch, we together took the boil potato which is the one of the best lunch, I took in my life. When I am backing on my way I found a lot of land without any farming. There was water and other all facility like road, eltricity, communication as well as market potentiality but people are not doing agriculture. On the way I saw on many of youth are playing card and carimboard in the shop. Some of youth are making sound after the drink. That’s time again I remember the girl name Padma Shrestha who is doing farming and creating a job. I do not that is her hobby or profession but she is working and helping for national economy.

No matter her story is not heart touching but she is trying to do something in her young age. She lastly expresses me she was suffering a financial problem because she was in the starting phase and need investment. I told her about the government “self employment” package, do not know she will reach on that or not because for that package need a political relation.

Anyway salute for her from the bottom of my heart and wish her all the best.

January 24, 2012